Tell us about yourself and your music

I’m 34 from New Zealand half Maori half Irish but moved to Australia when I was 12 growing up with my mum who’s a Maori we always had music around but my dad will try and claim I got my singing from him cause he plays the spoons

I was a rapper before a singer up until March 2018 just after a breakup. picking a genre for myself is hard as my sound is different but different is good.

Talk to us more about your latest release

soul searcher was originally written as a hip hop song went from trap to cruise hip hop and a reggae style tune.

and now a dark style which I like. the lyrics explain themselves it was written in a sad time in my life.

like ‘ dry rivers flow higher and the dams overflow, they’ll go down in time once that numbing goes ‘

What inspired you to write this release?

I was sad from heartbreak and had to get it out. I’m one to bottle things up and writing lyrics help with not lose my shit.

Describe the writing and recording process

I wrote this song in about three days as a hip-hop song but played around with it with all types of beats and genres and eventually it wasn’t a hip hop song anymore I found this beat from Mr gold and warren bohnke put his twist on it and this is what we ended up with as a finished product warren bohnke from frequent harmonics killed it on the mixing and the guitar and bass which made it feel sadder

Any plans to hit the road?

were in talks of that at the moment. but will keep everyone posted.

Who have you been listening to lately?

I listen to all different kinds of instrumentals from all genres

at the moment. love to have a little freestyle sing along.

Who are your biggest influences?

the old hip hop crew like Snoop, Dre, ice cube, etc…. and Bob Marley, Che Fu, Crowded House, the list could go on and on.

Tell us about your passions

love music obviously but my daughter and my massive list of hobbies. I’m always up for a bit of danger.

What else is happening next in your world?

just about to film the next video for soul searcher and got a few more songs coming and a gig list should be coming soon too.

Thanks for an awesome interview, Svene kupe



Connect with Svene Kupe


Genres: singer-songwriter

Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
