
Showing posts from January, 2020

Inside ScottytheOddity's Mind

What Percentage of Your Earnings Should Your Music Manager Get?

Alfredo Dias Gomes

9 Productivity Tips to Help Improve Your Music Production Skills


Andrew Farstar Reimagines The 'Classics' With New Album

Acting as Your Own Music Manager? Learn the Basics of a Good Booking Agreement

Introducing Stephanie Caprara

has plans on releasing 2 independent projects in 2020. The Millenial R&B vioce is looking to market himself with big name brands as well as identfying potential label representatives in 2020

Music Promotion Strategies for Indie Artists without a Music Manager

21st century renaissance man

Awohasong Infusion Records releases three "Unlimited Skies" with Tyra Smith.

How to Make Extra Income by Upselling to Your Fans


Why Should You Wait to Hire a Music Manager?

Joey Zazalino Stays True To Himself With Debut EP

Hopeton Brown - The Scientist

Big Ran Feuers tells it like it is.

How to Promote Your Music Through Streaming Sites