Artist Interview: Artist

Tell us about yourself and your music
My name is Haliah King and I aspire to be a singer/Lawyer but living in the Caribbean island it is difficult to find that path to excel in music and to make a difference on the International Market.
Talk to us more about your latest release
I have recently released a single that was written and performed by myself called “US or Drugs” by my stage name HALIAH. you can hear it on Soundcloud, Spotify, etc
What inspired you to write this release?
The release came about by just sitting down one day in a quiet area and thinking of all the feedback given by young people who end up getting hurt through falling in love with the wrong person.
Any plans to release a video?
Yes I do have plans to release a Video very soon and should be releasing another single early in this year 2017.
Any plans to hit the road?
I am really not at this stage yet as I am still trying to get my talent out internationally so maybe just maybe one day I can get a recording contract with a reputable entity.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I always try to bring a unique style to stand out I don’t want to imitate or sound like another artist just Toni Braxton have a unique voice so does Haliah.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Beyonce, Rihanna, Weekend, John Legend etc
Tell us about your passions
I attend Community College and I must attend classes on time, Also sometimes If I am writing a piece and it comes to my mind I will get up suddenly and put on paper I have a number of songs written and archived.
What else is happening next in your world?
Well I Just want to make my aspirations a reality so I am going to continue to push and push until it is realized.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Haliah!
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Genres: R&B
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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