Artist Interview: Kilo TheArtist

Tell us about yourself and your music
I am Kilo TheArtist , I am 24 years old, and I am originally from Buckner Arkansas currently living in Germany. I like to consider my music as passionate, realistic, and heartfelt. I like to make relatable music that people can actually feel. Music that will make you laugh, make you cry, make you angry, make you think, overall music that will make you feel. Something that I feel today’s music is really lacking.
Talk to us more about your latest release
My latest release is my sophmore mixtape titled “ILLUMINATED 2”. This project pretty much speaks for itself. It’s definitely one of a kind, versatility at it’s finest. On this mixtape you will hear lots of different emotions and sounds not easily categorized. For example I have a real “banger” on there that still speaks volumes to my people living in the struggle titled “1st & the 3rd” I talk about my own personal struggles in life on songs like “Memories”, “Long time”, and “Soulful” just to name a few. I have stories that could be fictional or non-fictional like “Wonder Y”, “Johnny’s song”, and “Juice”. Overall I really put a lot into this project. The listener will definitely be satisfied.
What inspired you to write this release?
“ILLUMINATED 2” for the most part came from a very real place of sorrow, bottled aggression, and anger. I wanted to make the project appeal to people who may be or may have went through some of the same struggles that I have faced . My plan was to pretty much embody my emotion in the form of music that can be felt around the world. I figured what better way to do that than to share my personal experiences the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Any plans to release a video?
Include the YouTube link if available. Definitely I plan to release quite a few videos honestly. I have a video for “1st & the 3rd” coming soon, as well as “Long Time” and many more. The grind never stops. Until then check out the video for “Hands Up”
Any plans to hit the road?
Actually I plan on doing a tour here in Europe this upcoming summer. No dates, times and locations available at the moment. However, more help with from your company and others alike would be very much appreciated.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I feel that if you stay true to yourself, and be yourself you can’t go wrong. I tend to just do me the best way I can some will love it and some won’t. I would rather build a geuine fan base based off of me be completely myself as opposed to changing and reforming myself to attract the attention of others who probably would’nt have been interested if I had not done so.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Not to sound to arrogant but I have really been focused on myself have’nt really been listening to much of anyone these days honestly.
Tell us about your passions
Besides music, what gets you out of bed in the morning? My family. The people who are looking up to me, that draw strength from me. Just the thought that I influence and motivate others that I sometimes don’t even know is watching and listening to me. That keeps me going.
What else is happening next in your world?
More music!!! Progression, I’m just constantly looking for opportunities trying to give it my all on a daily basis. So for the most part just be on look out for me because I’m definitely on a mission and I won’t stop until I feel that I’ve done all I can and I’m not anywhere near that point.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Julian!
Connect with Kilo TheArtist
Genres: Hip Hop, Rap, singer-songwriter
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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