Artist Interview: New Pony

Tell us about yourself and your music
New Pony is a funk band, and in the music we’re putting out now, we find ourselves exploring the potentials of the funk genre. Lyrically, we’re trying to expand the genre bit to include more thoughtful subjects, and we’re even venturing into political territory. It’s hard to avoid given the current situation.
As far as the members of this band are concerned, we’re a diverse lot. Two of us, myself and Hadi Sumoro, the keyboardist, came out of Berklee, while Max Guerin (bass) and Stephan Young (drums) have been staples on the Philly music scene for a long time. Stephan played with Evelyn Champagne King and Howard Melvin and the Blue Notes back in the day.
Talk to us more about your latest release
Our latest release, which has been out for almost two years now, was an exploration of the intersections of funk and rock, though the goal was to always come out on the funk side. We’re building on that base now and we’re writing material that’s probably a bit more firmly within the funk genre.
What inspired you to write this release?
Honestly, in terms of inspiration, I think everything I’ve ever heard makes its way into the songwriting.
Any plans to release a video?
We’ll see. They can be pricey, and let’s be honest, we’re not exactly photogenic, well, except for the drummer. He’s a “babe.”
Any plans to hit the road?
We’re always on the road. Last week we were in NYC, and this week, we’re in Baltimore. I think we’re going to wind down 2017 closer to home, though, and play a bunch of local spots. I know we have a fun one coming up on Nov 22, the night before Thanksgiving, at Heritage, which is at 914 N. 2nd St. Philly.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
In many ways, this takes care of itself. There just aren’t a lot of funk bands out there.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I can’t speak for the others, but I’ve been on a Jeff Beck kick lately, and I’ve been really liking Tank and the Bangas.
Tell us about your passions
Well, coffee is a strong inspiration to get out of bed. Besides that, I’m a big American history and political nerd, and I’m almost always reading something on one or both of these subjects.
What else is happening next in your world?
Nothing much. Just trying to stay a step or two ahead of the man, you know?
Thanks for an awesome interview, Chris!
Connect with New Pony
Genres: Funk
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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