Artist Interview: Kyia micole

Tell us about yourself and your music
I’m a very outgoing person music been part of my life since I was born I started playing the drums a lilttle bit of the piano and singing in my church choir than from there I started taking music seriously and I’m here today
Talk to us more about your latest release
I have my song do me wrong out now everywhere iTunes etc. also working on dropping my EP this spring or summer
What inspired you to write this release?
What inspired me was at some point we all went through a relationship where u did each other wrong and you wanna make it right but u can’t get ova that fact on how they treated you or how you treated them
Any plans to release a video?
No release at this time for a video do me wrong but I will be releasing my new single all night Prod. By Kritkal dyverse very soon and it will be a video for that
Any plans to hit the road?
Once my EP is complete I do plan on hitting the stage and getting in tune wit my fans and my people that support me
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I try to do things that most indie artists don’t do I really try to connect with my fans listen to there feed back makes songs everyone can relate to but also be different like that’s Kyia Micole can’t nobody copy that I try to leave that affect on people
Who have you been listening to lately?
Chris brown
New edition
R Kelly
Lil uzi
Jus to name a few it’s more
Tell us about your passions
Outside of music I have a normally life I work very hard and long hours at work jus to invest in my craft and take care of my responsibility
What else is happening next in your world?
Hopefully I get signed or meet one of influences
Thanks for an awesome interview, Kiezia!
Connect with Kyia micole
Genres: Acoustic, R&B
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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