Artist Interview: Troy

Tell us about yourself and your music
Well, that’s a tough question for me to answer because sometimes I get confused as to who I am and what i’m about and I think you could see that in my music. Before I get into that my names Troy and i’m an artist based out of Toronto.I just turned 19 so i’m really young and still finding out more about myself everyday. The music really reflects that. From my first release to now you can really see the varying emotions and points i’m at with myself, my first song was full of bravado and confidence, it gave that feeling that the world was really mine and that my city (Toronto) was mine for the taking. Then the next release right after that was full of sorrow and nostalgia and melancholy, so clearly i’m always in a different head space. But that’s not a bad thing, i’m very versatile with my music and don’t just stick to one style, I know people get bored easily and need change and I definitely offer that with every new release. My music really reflects where im at during that point of my life, you could listen and literally be on the same vibe im on at the very moment.
Talk to us more about your latest release
Oh man, my newest track “Mozart” is meant strictly for the club and even more so for my shows. The best aspect of me as an artist is my live shows and that probably because I used to go to a school for the arts to study acting and I still act till this day. “Mozart” was literally created while I was performing, I had a microphone in hand with an auto-tune plugin and speakers shouting the beat and literally performed in my basement and came up with the track on the spot. Just imagine me jumping around in a cramped up basement acting like i’m in a stadium but really the only one listening was my mom doing laundry in the other room. The song represents the more arrogant side of me and the side of me who just really doesn’t care about what anyone thinks. Also it was the first time in my life I was starting to interact with girls more intimately and that really inspired me and excited me, you’ll definitely hear that in the hook. Its a track I know may give a bad impression of me if people are listening to me for the first time but honestly I don’t really care that song was my best mix to date and honestly one of the most out there and in your face songs I’ve created. I’m known to be a poised person, someone very relaxed and calm but this was a song where I really let go and let my “Idgaf” side take over.
What inspired you to write this release?
The main thing that inspired me was having a go to song for my concerts. Like I said before my live shows are the best part of me as an artist in my opinion and this song brings the right atmosphere to go crazy at my shows. When im on stage I lose any worry I had before and I go off. So I created this song for people to feel the same way I guess. When someone hears this song I want them to feel like they NEED to go crazy and basically have the time of their life at my shows. Of course the other inspirations for this song was the atmosphere I was around at this time. It was summer and every night was turnt up with my boys bringing girls back to the condo and everyone vibing and partying the whole night. So basically this song is an anthem for going to my concert and then coming back to my boys condo (we call it the vu) and continuing the turn up.
Any plans to release a video?
Yea im thinking maybe in March or April but for a brand new track im yet to release. Right now im just letting my new track get some attention and then ill get this video going. I already got some ideas, like I definitely want a navy and pink theme and i’m definitely getting some shots of me rapping with some lightning coming down, not sure how yet but ill do it trust me. I’ve never been into music videos unless its something brand new, like that video for “Biebs in the Trap” by Travis Scott and Nav really blew me away and inspired me to create something on that vibe. But as for videos Ill have something out soon,my director Marko and my manager Phil and of course me have all been brainstorming thinking of our budget and our direction. We’ll have something amazing soon, something brand new.
Any plans to hit the road?
Not hitting the road yet but if you’re in Toronto you can catch me at the Mod Club February 26th! Message me on Instagram (@theyoungone416) for tickets, they’re $15 and there’s no doubt im bringing the energy and vibes onto that stage.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
Honestly that’s an aspect of music I’m still trying to discover but I’m hoping the listeners are willing to take the journey with me and see how I grow. I do have a brand I represent though, its called “Handsome” it just hasn’t reached its full potential yet. These days I’ve felt and unfamiliar confidence and i’m really using that to brand myself, I think I’m handsome so I went ahead and put it on a t-shirt. Its just a brand all about carrying yourself properly and not being afraid to think you’re the best. Like being handsome its just an appearance thing, its basically having a nonchalant yet confident attitude towards everything and really seeing the potential in yourself. Look in the mirror and say “God im handsome” it will change you trust me.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I’ve been listening to a lot of ambient space music lately, I don’t know any names I just go on YouTube and look up hour long playlists. Its a music that keeps me calm and collected, a “Handsome” type of music you could say. But these days I’m also listening to a lot of PNL this french rap duo, Travis Scott, Drake, Asap Rocky, Lil Uzi Vert, Post Malone, Ramriddlz and of course me.
Tell us about your passions
Besides music I really enjoy acting. It was actually my first love before music. From like the age of 10 I’ve really been into it and I’ve always wanted to do something in that field. I went to this art school called “Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts” which is in Toronto and I learned a lot about stage performance there. What I learnt there really reflects on my live shows but anyways that high school really gave me a lot of confidence and stage presence that I never really had before. Besides music I do go to a few auditions here and there but I’m yet to get something, but I’m a great actor don’t get it twisted, some people even say I’m more talented when it comes acting, they say my acting triumphs my music. I say both worlds help each other.
What else is happening next in your world?
Right now the biggest thing is seeing what being 19 years old is like. I just turned 19 on January 10th and in Toronto that’s the legal age to go clubs and party and buy alcohol. As I’m doing this interview I’m getting texts from youngins to buy them alcohol for their next party! Its definitely a new world, I’ve been to clubs before but the coolest thing is just walking into a bar and getting drunk and writing lyrics down on some napkins. That sounds kind of lame but its therapeutic. I went to my first strip club and trust me there’s a song coming out about that and just being in that club atmospheres going to inspire more really crazy music.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Stefan!
Connect with Troy
Genres: Rap
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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