Artist Interview: Complex Theory

Tell us about yourself and your music
I am a rapper/ producer from Chicago i produce majority of my songs but the others are done by my production team called MCS Beats made up of myself and 2 of my friends Mo Beats and Uran Kabashi. I am a senior computer science major I make websites, and am learning android programming now. I pride myself on making music that is socially conscious and speaks to the things that are happening in the world, and not just some superficial image of what a “rapper” is supposed to be or talk about. I get my influences musically from Wu Tang, Nas, Common, and Lupe Fiasco, but my message drfinitely draws from the likes of MLK, Malcom X, and Stokely Carmichael. I am a very vusual person so when i write my rhymes it kind of plays out like a music video and i try to bring that out in my words, I find a growing trend in hip hop where there are people that purposefully say gibberish and that gets looked at as artistic, but when i put thought into my lyrics then i am super scrutinized to a level where its not enough for some of the top publications. I dont let that deter me though because there are plenty of publocations and people that reach out and tell me to keep doing what im doing, and those are the things that give me confidence that “conscious”(dont like the term because all music is conscious) music is still what people want.
Talk to us more about your latest release
I just released my second album titled “1 day youll understand” it is mostly produced by myself and my production team MCS Beats it is filled with gritty samples and laced with scratches that i think gives it a very nostalgic air to it but the lyrical content keeps it fresh and up to date. I feel like i really cane into my own with this album and found a real comfort zone that i am ready to grow from on my next release that will be called “Ghetto Witchcraft”.
What inspired you to write this release?
I get a lot of support locally and online from people that tell me my music speaks to them and that its a breath of fresh air to hear someone rap like that. So that pushes me to keep challenging myself and to keep being myself, though some of the blogs would have me conform to more of what they are used to hearing.
Any plans to release a video?
Definitely. I have just released my first in at the beginning of the year, and i plan on doing a couple for my upcoming album as well as a documentary.
Any plans to hit the road?
I am in the process of putting a tour together with a few other artists now.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
My businsss partner Mo Beats is my graphic artist and does a good job of making me look good. I am about 75 percent done with my website, and i am about to start a podcast with workshops on how to make beats and some writing tips and general hip hop discussion.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Haven’t had a lot of time to listen to as much stuff as i would like but lately Kendrick and J Cole.
Tell us about your passions
Basketball, my wife. I just genuinely am excited to see what the next day holds. I love learning and reading and researching I probably watch more documentaries than movies or tv.
What else is happening next in your world?
Finishing up my bachelors and getting a job, getting my website off the ground, and selling some beats.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Jarvis!
Connect with Complex Theory
Genres: Hip Hop
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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