May the Sky Releases Fresh Debut EP

Dayton, OH — Tuesday, July 30th, 2019 — Ohio’s, May the Sky, have released a powerful and inspirational new EP titled, “discoveries.” The band’s musical influences shine through in each song, making them sound and feel familiar, but they are completely different then what you’ve heard before. One minute you’ll think it sounds like David Bowie, and the next you think it’s the Deftones. “discoveries” released on July 20th and is available on all major online stores for download and streaming.
May the Sky, an alt/rock 5 piece from Dayton, Ohio have just released their debut effort titled, “discoveries.” The new EP consists of 5 songs that take you on a powerful but uplifting ride that you don’t see coming initially. Each song seems to leave you inspired and wanting more, but the songs also have a feeling of familiarity. The band’s influences shine in each song. On one song you’ll think you are listening to David Bowie, and then the next you’ll think, “is this the Deftones?” Take a listen for yourself and see what you think. The “discoveries” EP is now available for download or streaming on all major outlets. Connect with May the Sky at
The week following the release of the new EP, Cincinnati’s 96 RockFM featured the first single, “Won” every day at 8:20 pm for the entire week. 96 Rock radio host, Nick Wetta says, “these guys have a cool new sound.” Los Angeles based 360 Magazine recently reviewed the new single and described Won as “hard-hitting melodies alongside dramatic drums and rhythmic guitar riffs.”
May the Sky is a 5 piece alternative rock band based in Dayton, Ohio. The band is made up by Todd Clemmer – Lead Vocals, Jason Winner – Bass, Chris Stewart – Guitar, Andy Nelson – Drums, and Chris Deboard – Keys/Vocals.
May the Sky performed their first show together as a band on July 20th, the same day as the EP released online. Three bands performed to an intimate crowd of 100 that night and May the Sky performed on the middle slot. 100-degree heat didn’t stop the curious new fans from filling the Courtyard lounge that evening, and they were able to experience the “discoveries” live for the very first time.
Check out discoveries now on Spotify –
Old friends, new energy -Based out of Dayton, Ohio, May the Sky is a 5-piece alternative/rock band founded on a lifetime of friendships and shared experiences.
Their first release, “Discoveries”, allows a glimpse behind the curtain at personal evolution. As many of us know, some days purpose is built, not found. Connecting to meaning is at times a conscious and deliberate pursuit. “Discoveries” is an act of service toward those times and to that evolution. Eyes forward.
May the Sky
Chris Stewart
111 E Wood St
Genres: Rock
Source: ArtistPR Music Press Release
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