Jay Mydas & Da Southwest Rollers Create Music For Change Behind Bars

Yopp Gang Music Out Now
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – May 6, 2019 – With nothing more than a couple of cellphones, the men behind Jay Mydas & Da Southwest Rollers are creating music while serving time. While some men in their situation would use their time waiting, these emcees are focusing on crafting a creative space as they feel music is a therapeutic tool worth using while behind bars. With that, they just dropped their 2019 release, Yopp Gang Music.
Yopp Gang Music comes from the mastermind Jay Mydas and his Camp Yopp. A rehabilitation program of sorts in prison that showcases the talents of men from various background, locales, and gangs coming together for the greater good; music. Through this act of leadership, Jay Mydas hopes to inspire other prisons around the country and world to adopt music into their prisons as well as Camp Yopp has proven to be a great outlet for many already.
Again, they’re armed with nothing more than their sheer talent and some cell phones but Yopp Gang Music is as impressive as indie artists working with the best equipment. Nine songs deep, Yopp Gang Music showcases a variety of hip-hop styles as the men come from all over the country. Standouts include “Da’ People,” “First 24,” and “Silence.”
Yopp Gang Music will be followed up shortly by Jay Mydas & Da Southwest Rollers’ next 2019 release in July, Explosion on Contact. Look out for singles from that in May and June 2019.
Those interested in reviewing either Yopp Gang Music or their upcoming release, Explosions on Contact, featuring their amazing endeavors, or interviewing Jay Mydas about his life and work can reach out via the information provided below.
Jay Mydas & Da Southwest Rollers are a group of talented emcees currently behind bars working with what they have and using music to bring about change not only in their own lives but the lives of others.
Jay Mydas & Da Southwest Rollers
TinyTee & Lil’J,Publishing Company/TinyTee-n-Lil’Js,Personal Cleaning, LLC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jay.mydas
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Joseph39919661
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7A_JeeWi2DJKOSddp2Q97A
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/jaymydasdasouthwestrollers
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Frist24-Explicit/dp/B07HZXPGKQ
Tidal: https://tidal.com/album/106771926
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jay-mydas-da-southwest-rollers/1391590224
Genres: Hip Hop
Source: ArtistPR Music Press Release
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