Artist Interview: Kevin Stevens

Tell us about yourself and your music
When I was a child, music became a good friend. Something close enough to hold on to and just far enough to never hurt you. I grew up in music, listening to it, learning about it, playing it. As I got older music became more of a mentor than a friend. An understanding and ever expanding arena to explore who I am and why I’m here to begin with. At the age of 22 I started writing my own songs. I had played and toured in small bands for years but all from the view behind a drum set. Far, far from the spotlight. When I started writing and playing it was more of a therapy than anything else. I had been recently married, with a baby on the way, and suffered an injury that I thought could cost me my arm and at the very least, my ability to play music. Through all of that, I fought to regain the strength and mobility to hold my daughter and pick up the guitar that had been blanketed in dust. It took 10 long years of writing and refining to find the courage, through my wife and friends, to pursue this music. To record it, release it, and see where it could take me. I was able to find myself in these songs. To find my voice and identity. Not an inherited orientation to the world, but something I could own and find solace in.
Talk to us more about your latest release
LOCUST, is my debut self-released EP. You could call it a concept album. Even though that was never my intention. Each of the 6 songs approach life from a slightly different angle and move through the choices we face, and the choices we make. Some of these are personal experiences and some are those that I have observed and been affected by. The songs on this record dive into the common depravity of life and find hope in the midst of the darkness. I always end up going there. Even if I set out to write a light happy superficial song, it always forces me to go deeper into myself and search for a better truth.
What inspired you to write this release?
The title, LOCUST, comes from a verse out of the book of Joel in the bible that talks about the redemption that is woven into the fabric of nature. That even after the locusts come and thrust the nation into famine, there is still hope. There is still a blessing being poured out over the world. Because love will always destroy our brokenness.
Any plans to release a video?
I have a few older videos on my YouTube page and website and I’m currently working on creating several new videos to support the album.
Any plans to hit the road?
I have played several local shows and am in the process of writing for my next release so I don’t have a bunch of shows currently lined up. However, I do have plans of booking several more shows in the coming months and a small tour later this year.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I don’t want to follow the trends that I see in other artists, but I’m also not arrogant enough to ignore the points of intersection. I try to be highly relational to the people that enjoy my music. I know that I break some of the rules for what modern music is “supposed” to sound and look like, but it feels right to be honest about who I am.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Bon Iver, James Bay, The Flaming Lips, Ben Howard, Jimmy Eat World
Tell us about your passions
I am married to my wife of 11 years and we have three beautiful children that make every day an unexpected adventure. Any opportunity I have to learn something new or to express creativity I will gravitate towards. I am passionate about exploring the outdoors and preserving it for the future. As a family we are passionate about traveling, living a healthy life style, and giving our children every opportunity to experience the world around them and the people that fill it.
What else is happening next in your world?
We have an opportunity to move far from our current comfortable lives and into something entirely new. Both exciting and terrifying, we look forward to how this will continue to bring our family closer together each and every day.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Kevin!
Connect with Kevin Stevens
Genres: Americana
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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