Artist Interview: COSTON!

Tell us about yourself and your music
I am a retired U. S. Navy Veteran, Advocate for the homeless, songwriter, song lyricist, vocalist, and music composer. I play the keyboard and piano which was self taught while in High School, and also attended music theory classes while in high school. Though I’ve had no formal training, the training I received from four years of chorus, music theory, and music ensembles gave me enough training and education to know how to compose music by ear. My music/songs are about life experiences and life issues, and, the music in and of itself covers a number of music genres and not just one.
Talk to us more about your latest release
My first real album, which is available online is called, “MESSAGES FROM GOD,” and again, all of the songs, except for maybe one or two, covers and showcases stories regarding life experiences and issues. I guess you could call me a modern day Curtis Mayfield or even Marvin Gaye, not in the sense of the vocals (I cannot hold a candle), but in that the songs covers everyday life issues and experiences.
What inspired you to write this release?
I’ve been through quite a bit in my life. I was homeless at one time, and as a homeless advocate I have experienced, through interaction with clients, drub abuse, alcoholism, homelessness, and other adverse social ills and issues. In addition, as a child I went through child abuse, molestation, divorce of my family, etc. Therefore, I can relate in many aspects, as can most of us, with the topics and storylines of these songs.
Any plans to release a video?
Not at this time. Maybe in the future if someone wants to invest in me and my project(s).
Any plans to hit the road?
Not at this time. If I am signed, maybe then. Just trying to get the music out there and get noticed at this point. One thing at a time.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I am a messenger, telling the audience and fans about life issues and experiences. Most all music now is laced or based on rap or hip hop, mine is not. It does have flavor of old school sounds from the 70’s or even 60’s but encased with a modern touch to keep the fans and audience interested. The vocals are a mix of preachy r&b, soul and gospel, straight laced vocals without giving ridiculous arpeggios up and down the scale to over do or prove a competitive point. Heartfelt music, vocals and lyrics which are much needed in a generally problematic and trouble filled world.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Not very many people. Don’t want anything out there or on the radio to influence, in any way, shape or form my creativity which is strictly COSTON. My music is definitive in that when anyone hears it, they will know it is COSTON.
Tell us about your passions
God, fellow human beings, helping others, homeless advocacy, and a will to live and be here for others.
What else is happening next in your world?
Other than the aforementioned, not too much more. Concerned about the state of affairs of the world at the moment. I wrote a song called “WAR,” and if we all keep on being stupid, it may come to fruition; I hope not. I share my feelings on FB daily about God, religion, mankind, my music, homelessness, etc., and that keeps me busy.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Garry!
Connect with COSTON!
Genres: Dance, Pop, R&B, singer-songwriter, Soul
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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