Artist Interview: AHLONNAE

Tell us about yourself and your music
I am a Disabled Veteran, somewhat guitar player, bass, keyboards, Congas, Bongos, Percussions, songwriter mostly Instrumentals.
I have over 200+ songs (It was actually 350+, but I lost a few).
I will try my hand at Drums as soon as I can afford it.
I still play each instrument by hand. No Computer Software.
I might use some later on. Tried Fruity Loops about 6 years ago, made a couple of songs, but not quite as satisfying tho.
My music has been labeled: AVANT-GARTE /IMPROVISIONAL.
By: Hostbaby I like to call my music ‘LIVE’.
Because what you hear is what you get, you know. No sweetning no removal of anything.
Like you are playing, ‘live.’
Talk to us more about your latest release
The Latest release will be: SPACE FREAK
Waiting for FUNDS to release. Within the next 3 months or so. I Hope!
Been also trying to get the 3D characters together with spaceships a few creatures etc.
As usual it’s just how I felt that particular moment in time.
Sometimes it may be Jazz, Funk, So many different types that sometimes I am not sure what category the Music is. 1 or 2 ballads, a few classical. I have been told to only have 1 Genre. But I can’t. I mean it would be like me getting the feeling or Mood to play how I’m feeling at the time, and let’s just say my Mood at the time was Rock, but me stopping or trying to turn that feeling off to choose another Genre.
What inspired you to write this release?
Nothing Inspired me. I usually just say, it’s about time for something new and different than the last song.
Any plans to release a video?
I would love too, I keep thinking about how cool it would be. But it’s a little harder when it’s JUST you.
I am working on different space ships creatures etc.
I know that I’m losing a lot of Income without a Video.
Any plans to hit the road?
No, getting up their in age now. 60. And I am spending most of my current energies in building Drones and Robots.
My hopes were to Inspire people to not just learn 1 Instruments but learn as many as possible!
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I’m not really sure.
For me I just Play what comes out from my fingers, that moment in Time.
As for standing out from the crowd, I think I have a few songs that stand out from everyone else. But it Mainly depends on the particular genre at that time.
I mean lets take one of my Jazz type songs, 1 song may sound like someone else so, that I can say I sound like someone in particular. But my stuff sounds as a whole, I believe different than everyone else as a whole. Especially since I play in so many different types.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Now this may seem a bit different. But the Answer for about the last 10 years or so NOBODY.
Now it is only because of my fear of performing/writing a song that Mimics someone elses song. NOT because I think that I’m better than anyone else. Even when I watch TV if a song comes on that hit’s me a certain way, I tell my wife to mute the TV, because I do not want to write a song that I picked up from a TV commercial, or anyone elses Original Song.
I just want ALL My Songs to be Original!
I am aware of many greats, Santana, Vai, Hendrix, Page, Trower, Hancock, Bossamossa, SLash, Van Halen……
Tell us about your passions
Wife (this had better be first), than building and repairing Drones and Robots.
3D Animation, and my Dog.
Watching Horror Films/Sci Fi,. special Efx, CGI.
What else is happening next in your world?
Just want to finish the “Space Freak” CD. And get it out there.
And I got this Idea for a Different and Much Better Robot.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Mark!
Connect with AHLONNAE
Genres: Electronic, Funk, Instrumental, Jazz
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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