Artist Interview: Parkuschito

Tell us about yourself and your music
I grew up under the influence of Michael Jackson being this one my principal mentor. Later on I took Backstreetboys and NSYNC as my reference. I like to innovate and create new stuff. This is how I had the idea of mixing different music styles in order to get my own style.
Everything began about 17 years ago when I had a dream. I saw myself singing ”Lady” with a boys band at a concert with thousands of people. I was the leader of the group. Then I felt, that I had to follow my dreams so I took some friends a created a boys band and started rehearsing. Unfortunately it didn’t work out due to internal problems wit the band and also because we were in Cuba with no chance to go out so easily.
I don’t compose any songs, I alway get them from my dreams. This is because of my ESP(extra-sensorial-percepction). So, every song of mine ist just the result of my dreams.
Talk to us more about your latest release
My latest realease and first release is the EP: ”Evil Girl”. It is being taking of the stores because it needs to be retouched, specially at the recoding studio. My sound hat a lot of old school influence.
This is why I launched a campaign in order to rearrange and remaster the EP. It will be then available around the globe digitally and also physically.
Let us all be part of it !!!
This is the link:
The perks are:
1- a lighter: 7 Euros
2- CD & a DVD with the music videos of the songs.:50 Euros
3- a watch with a pic of mine: 56
4- a Skype interview that could be posted on the social networks: 500 Euros
5- a personal interview where I will meet the interviewer personally in the EU and UK that could be posted on the social networks: 1000 Euros
What inspired you to write this release?
A revelation in a dream inspired me to write this realease. I was singing at a concert and it felt 100% real!!!
Any plans to release a video?
Yes, I will release a video a soon as my campaign is fully funded. One of the perks is a CD&DVD with the music videos of the songs.
Any plans to hit the road?
Yes, I would love to. It depends on the success I first have with the tracks.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
My music is a mix: Pop, HipHop, Rap, R&B, giving me my own mark.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Michael Jackson, Tupac Shakur, Snoop Dogg
Tell us about your passions
I love the paranormal world and have books about it which I love reading. Different martial arts styles.
What else is happening next in your world?
My EP Evil Girl and perhaps a movie.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Parker!
Connect with Parkuschito
Genres: Pop
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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