Artist Interview: Mauve

Tell us about yourself and your music
Mauve is putting a new spin on the Pop genre, revitalizing the listener’s excitement by incorporat-ing R&B, Jazz & EDM in lively, energetic and expressive creations that move the listener with her bold and soulful vocals. Based in Toronto, she has developed her own style and has been creating music for 6 years now, since she was 14. Mauve is inspired by dance and theater, which drives her passion for making music, and provides a backdrop for her to spread her energy through expressive lyrics and melodies.
Talk to us more about your latest release
“Leave It Be” is one of the may songs that I’ve written at the piano while personally processing heavy emotions and experiences. Usually when you are trying to make something work with someone in a relationship, there can be so much strain that it’s just best to take a break and figure things out on you’re own before moving forward.
The lyrics and melodies began to unfold naturally, so months later when I brought the demo to my producer, he definitely set the right vibe to it to match what was being conveyed. I am excited to release this song that beautifully matches a heartfelt mes-sage with an upbeat rhythm.
What inspired you to write this release?
For me it happens very organically because it has to first begin with something I am going through or inspired by, be it a positive or more tricky circumstance. I can’t real-ly force myself to create a song without being driven by something. So whenever a spark of inspiration comes along, I make sure to work on it to shape it into something tangible!
Sometimes if a catchy melody or idea pops into my head at the most random moment, I record a bit of it on my phone so that I can go back to it later without losing it. Once that main structure of the song is complete, I use my software program and MIDI key-board at home to lay out its components, and then send the demo to the producer I’m collaborating with to professionally record it. It’s so awesome hearing all the parts gradually come together.
Any plans to release a video?
I would like to create a lyric video for my new song so that people can get an in-depth understanding of its meaning, while also showing cool visuals. I’ve done a few high-quality production videos for cover songs such as Back to Black by Amy Winehouse, so I am definitely looking to do that for my original songs, as well.
Any plans to hit the road?
I will be performing at the Toronto Ribfest at Centennial Park on Canada Day. It’s going to be a great bash to kick off the summer and celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I really enjoy blending different musical styles to create a fusion of new sounds that no one’s really heard before. For example, having older-style jazz/soul vocals and in-struments over top an EDM drum track is a great way of combining a classic approach with a more modern appeal. It’s kind of like what the song “This Girl” by Kungs vs Cookin’ on 3 Burners accomplishes by meshing a funky rhythm to a catchy dance beat. Another way I believe an artist can stand out is through the passion they share in a live performance, which I do by bringing in high energy and a certain moxie to con-nect with the crowd. It’s all about engaging with the audience to tell your true story and bring your songs to life.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I’ve been currently obsessing over a former Canadian R&B band named jackSOUL who have such dynamic and groovy flavors in each of their songs, and the vocalist was a true master because he had so much range in his voice to convey such deep emo-tions. Fiona Apple is another artist on my radar because she also brings such intensity and honesty with her music, and also has a jazz flare to her music, that I love.
Tell us about your passions
Well, I have an adorable shih tzu named Molly that sometimes wakes me up in the morning because she’s ready to start the day! But honestly she’s the best thing to have around, and I love having her as a companion so much. It’s a good thing she doesn’t mind me singing all the time at home!
What else is happening next in your world?
Thanks for an awesome interview, Catherine!
Connect with Mauve
Genres: Dance, Pop, R&B, singer-songwriter, Soul
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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