Artist Interview: Radiowave CD Entertainment

Tell us about yourself and your music
I started in my garage when I was two on an old upright piano that was falling apart. My Mother would play Bach and I would tinker. I wrote my first staff of music when I was 4. I picked up the guitar at age 7 in summer school in San Diego California. Ike and Tina Turner and Jim Morrison and the Doors is what I learned to play. When I was 19 I met a rock star who was my close friend and motivated me to dream and chase down the road. Through my many months traveling around the US with only a guitar, I wrote most of my songs.
Talk to us more about your latest release
The song I Want Your Love is about chasing the Rock and Roll dream. The song was created using the Fairlight at UMKC.
What inspired you to write this release?
Events that happened in my life back in 1982 had me calling out for love.
Any plans to release a video?
Never know.
Any plans to hit the road?
I am currently in the Philippines taking time off so I can reconstruct my writing career.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I was Indy before Indy was cool. I hit the road. Turning the music industry upside down. Sorry folks, now I have millions of artists to compete with. God bless you all.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I get all my songs to play from youtube. I dig out the old ones and the new ones too. I like Alan Parsons Project, Fleetwood Mac, Depeshe Mode, Pink Floyd, Fallout Boy and the Rolling Stones.
Tell us about your passions
I like skiing, rollerskating, making and selling exotic peanut butters and singing karaoke. I also like to play guitar and make beats.
What else is happening next in your world?
I want to concentrate more on house, club and rave music. I like to hear wall to wall music with a solid beat that makes your feet move. I really love it when my music makes people want to get up and dance.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Vaughn!
Connect with Radiowave CD Entertainment
Genres: Acoustic, Alternative, Dance, Electronic, Experimental, Pop, Rock
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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