Artist Interview: Silence & Sound

Tell us about yourself and your music
Where do I start? The majority of my music life has been in the shadows. No one really knew I sang or loved to sing….or even wrote songs for that matter. I started taking piano lessons with my daughters’ piano/vocal teacher when I was about 31 years old. I figured I would eventually build up the courage to say ‘Make me sing!’. One day I did and that was the start of the journey.
My partner at the time was extremely supportive. I wrote songs at home more and more and would sing them locked up in my music studio whilst he stood outside the door listening. Then he would write notes of encouragement and tell me to record an EP. Slowly but surely, I moved from being locked up in the music studio to playing at the kitchen bench whilst he cooked dinner at night. I then recorded my first EP – all with the positive encouragement from my ex-partner and 2 daughters. I seem to write ‘easier’ when I’m feeling the pain of some sort of loss. So I guess I tend to lean towards ballads, yet love the strong female attitude songs as well. I work full time and write songs when I can using either my acoustic guitar (I’m really not that good at all!!) or a piano App (again…not good at all!!) but when I feel the need to write, I can just sit down and write a song from the heart.
Talk to us more about your latest release
Release in October 2018 – ‘Please Forgive Us’ Tuesday night September 25th, 2018, my ex-partner was murdered in New South Wales, Australia. His funeral was held on Friday the 5th of October 2018. Two days later I had the urge to write to get out the pain.I can’t explain the feeling, but if I don’t put pen to paper and write something, I feel like I am incomplete and feel that something is missing – yet I can’t quite put my finger on it. I wrote the song in about 20 minutes. Then I messaged a local producer/studio owner that I had used a year earlier for my previous single ‘I’m Sorry’, and arranged to get into the studio and record the single. The following Sunday, I was in Hazy Cosmic Jive studio – Newcastle doing just that! I showed Gareth Hudson a very basic recording of my song that I had written with a piano App, and he turned it into this magical amazing sound. He organized a cellist and violinist to play on the track – which just set the mood and emotion I wanted to convey.
What inspired you to write this release?
The need to be able to get information, feelings and a message I wanted to convey, out of my heart and head and into a song. It’s my way of processing things.
Describe the writing and recording process
The writing was the easy part – I had this pain stuck in me I wanted to start the song off with a positive thought about my ex-partner a beautiful man because he certainly was a beautiful man. I was at, first, afraid of some of the lyrics I had penned – worried that I would stir up emotions in others. Yet I knew I had to be true to myself and true to him. Almost my way of honoring him.
The recording was hard – it was so very hard to sing some of the lyrics. Especially the start of the second verse. I had to keep stopping the recording process and apologizing to Gareth. Gareth eventually just said ‘this is how it goes…’ and sang the lyrics to me. He didn’t know that the reason I kept stopping was that I was crying and I didn’t want him to see me cry. I simply replied ‘I know my own song man. I’m crying! ‘with a giggle.
Every time I sang the lyrics a picture of his face would appear and I tried so hard to use his strength to help me record, instead of the sadness take over.
Any plans to release a video?
I wish! That would be amazing! Unfortunately, this is not possible due to the costs involved.
Any plans to hit the road?
Again, I wish! I would LOVE to even just gig. I use to gig and sing covers, yet the acoustic guitarist in the duo joined a band instead. To gig again would be awesome! That feeling of being on stage with another musician, just singing and loving music is the most amazing feeling.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
To be honest, I have not really branded myself. I write music, I release it – it’s as simple as that. I do it for love.
If one day someone wants to brand me and get me out there in the big wild music world – then I would be up for that for sure!
Who have you been listening to lately?
I really do love a wide range of artists. From Adele to Metallica. From Cardi B to Billie Eilish.
Lyrics are what really get to me, especially when they are conveyed through amazing vocals, harmonies and/or beats!
Who are your biggest influences?
Sia, P!nk, Adele, Lady Gaga, Dua Lipa, Jessie J, CHVRCHES, Demi Lovato, Julia Michaels …how do I name them all? So many amazing artists out there – I should also note, the amazing Producers that are often forgotten about. There are artists out there that do not necessarily influence my music, yet really make me think ‘hell yeah – they’re awesome!’ like Eminem, Khalid, HAIM, Bishop Briggs. I could honestly go on and on. I love the hits from the 80s to now. The great old classics that just get you up dancing or bring back the school day memories, like The Ting Tings, Silk, Boyz II Men, Beyonce, Destiny’s Child, Guns n Roses, AC/DC…whoa…the list just goes on and on!
Tell us about your passions
Work! and my 2 gorgeous daughters. Both have taken on my love of music (every parent dream hey!) I do enjoy my job as a Business Analyst / Test Manager, yet it is only a day job. I live for a time with my daughters away from the busy world of ‘life’. Going out for dinners, shopping, walking for coffee that’s what I love. Seeing live music – that’s what WE love!
What else is happening next in your world?
I am writing another single and planning my next EP. Also, buying another home and paying off a holiday I have booked in Oct 2019 with my two daughters. So I have plenty to keep me busy! If you know of any local guitarists’ or keyboard/piano muso’s who need a singer to gig with – send them my way! I would be more than happy to start gigging again (it would probably help me pay off all those bills that will be coming in due to the above…!)
Thanks for an awesome interview, Sheree
Connect with Silence & Sound
Genres: Folk, Pop, singer-songwriter, Women In Music, World Music
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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