Nothing but the music

Tell us about yourself and your music
My music is a reality. I don’t rhyme about things that are not true. I talk about things people can relate to from my past and also my present. Everyone has a story to tell. I choose not to tell mine all at once, but I do give glimpses of it. My music discusses, teaches, and gives people something to think about all while getting to know me. The best thing about my music is the different rhyme patterns I use when I rhyme. Every beat will determine how I approach the style. I took writing seriously, it’s an art form that has been mistakenly pushed to the side as music has changed. I love hip hop and everything it has to offer. It’s not all about the money although I’m sure every artist would love to make it big. I do it for the love of the music. When the love is gone you have nothing left.
Talk to us more about your latest release
5 lbs or pressure was written while I was Germany. I found many of the samples for the beats while in Germany. Germany kind of opened my mind and gave me the space that I needed that I didn’t have while back in the U.S.
when writing this album all I could think about was skill and verses. I wanted to give something back. I wanted to tell my side of the story. I wanted to let those know that although I haven’t seen you in years I never forget where I come from. I wanted people to know that I know what you’re saying about me, I hear all the rumors Social media is a tell-all story if you’re observing one’s life. Let’s just say I heard, I saw and I responded. 5lbs of Pressure is all it takes to pull the trigger of a gun. So I pulled the trigger.
What inspired you to write this release?
People inspire me. Life inspires me. Being true to myself inspires me. I know a lot of people in the business that made it and we all walk down different paths in life. I chose my path as they chose theirs. Sometimes we get the opportunity to walk down the same path twice. So without asking, without stressing, and without reaching out to anyone I keep pursuing my dreams and goals. 5 lbs of Pressure is great to work of art. All in all, what inspires me to write this album is what inspires me to write period; determination to say I did it.
Describe the writing and recording process
The writing process started in the computer lab/tv room in Graf Germany. Headphones, a laptop, and fruity loops producer edition. I studied long but not wrong. I wrote while in the passenger seat riding down the Audubon reciting lyrics while nobody around me knew what I was thinking as I was there for work unrelated to music. I crafted every verse, every word for perfect delivery so nobody could say when listening that “ this dude is wack”. I compare myself to every artist that is out with the album. I play one of their songs, then one of mine think “ ok, this could be on the radio heard by the right person.
The recording process only took a week. I was in and out as every sone was memorized and the beats were already set to go.
Any plans to hit the road?
I don’t have any shows lined up at the moment. I’m currently in college completing my Bachelors Degree for Information Systems Management.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I’m different. My voice and music speak for itself. The industry is different from social media platforms. It’s overwhelming and hard to hear amongst all the independent artist out there. Everyone is a rapper today. That’s the bad part. Not everyone should be rapping. But because you can have a studio in your house and purchase software it has allowed everyone to be a part of the culture.
How do I stand out? By being me. Y being original and believing in me.
Who have you been listening to lately?
Bill Withers, Case, Joe, Stylistics, The talking Heads. I listen to a variety of music. I honestly was just listening to that particular artist though.
Who are your biggest influences?
Where do I start;
Kool G Rap, Krs-One, and Rakim. That’s the foundation for me. Everyone has to have gotten their styles from one of these three MCs. I can only speak for myself though.
Tell us about your passions
My passion is music. I love hip hop music and I have a passion for writing and making beats. Ever since I can remember I’ve always wanted to make music. I honestly think I would be in the music game right now had I not had the parents I had growing up. While everyone else was allowed to be in the clubs on Sundays and during the week, my parents were strict about school and church. So basically that meant no hanging out for me. I guess in the long run I succeeded in life, but my true passion is empty. I need to fill that slot.
What else is happening next in your world?
I wouldn’t call it a next world, more my world. I’m currently working on two albums. One is already completed. I’m currently still writing the other and being extra particular with the beats. It’s a process that can’t be rushed. The beats have to speak to me for me to write to them. I don’t like rhyming over just anything just to say I completed a song.
Thanks for an awesome interview, E-LUX
Connect with E-LUX
Website: http://theofficialelux.comTwitter:
Genres: Hip Hop
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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