Artist Interview: Kym Larsen

Tell us about yourself and your music
My music is a reflection of my past and present, some are what I pray for in the future. I am quite reflected on things around me and I enjoy being able to connect with people that way; several have claimed relating to my lyrics. When I grew up in the Chicago suburbs I was bullied and had very few true friends. I do believe a lot of my deepest lyrics come from those negative times in my life, exactly how in touch with a real struggle.
Talk to us more about your latest release
Bird of Prey is stellar and remastered by Marc Nelson, an engineer of Ken Caillat. There’s not one song on there that does not describe something I’ve been through, going through, or want to experience. Most, if not all indie rock tracks are relatable for anyone! Any age and level of experiences can pull you in, even if some lyrics could be too deep. With the way, the music has been portrayed from my melodies, all songs but four being created with the help of Gary Smith, are able to make you stop and listen.
“Wicked Garden” is an eerie almost folklore tune I created on the acoustic, imagining all things dark, which is highly interesting to me. I wouldn’t call myself gothic but my fascination with it is high.
“Rock N Roll Queen” is my tribute ballad to Stevie Nicks and was helped created by Tim Coons. That song is special to me and very heartfelt. When I redid the vocals with Guy Walker for remastering all tracks, there were real tears recorded.
Lastly, “Countdown” is a cover of the song by Lindsey Buckingham. For some reason it describes a lot of what I’m dealing with right now, better things coming but at an unexpected time.
What inspired you to write this release?
Gary Hodges, the drummer from Buckingham Nicks is who inspired me; he was my online mentor telling me about everything that I needed to do to get an album together. He found me a producer from his area and we created magic.
Any plans to release a video?
I have one from “King” that was from the first mastered album that is homemade, currently brainstorming on another for the remaster.
Any plans to hit the road?
Currently, that’s not the cards I’ve been dealt but would like to be given that chance in the near future.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
Since I’m an alumnus of Artistmax I met lots of other artists that were going through the same things, learning how to use social media as the main tool. I use various professional and self-photography, acapella videos of original and cover material.
Who have you been listening to lately?
At this moment, Lady Gaga, and Sia
Tell us about your passions
I’m a night owl so getting up in the morning is only if I’m scheduled for work. I do enjoy a nice workout at my local gym, walking the parks around my area that have wildlife.
What else is happening next in your world?
More writing and searching for the next best person to network with.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Kimberly!
Connect with Kym Larsen
Genres: Americana, Folk, Pop, Rock, singer-songwriter, Women In Music
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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