Artist Interview: Lisa Daggs

Tell us about yourself and your music
I was born in Los Angeles, the youngest of my siblings and my first solo was in Madera CA when I was three years old. It was a Sunday and they pulled the piano bench up to the pulpit and I sang ” I Love To Go to Sunday School”. I was very involved in music, theatre and dance throughout high school and college. My dreams led me to Nashville, TN in my young adult life and after some hard knocks I recorded 8 CD’s. The first, “Who Are You”, was recorded under the direction of the late Lowell Lundstrom, the second CD was recorded at Pakaderm Studio in Los Angeles with John and Dino Elefante, “Angel In Your Eyes” was that title and the remainder recordings in Nashville. I’ve been very fortunate to have a wide listening audience from 4 year old’s belting my tunes to wonderful souls in their nineties enjoying the music. It has a bit of a country-bluesy-pop style sometimes with a light touch of rock sometimes with a gospel edge. I’m in recovery and have 27 years sobriety.
Talk to us more about your latest release
“Regardless”. It’s my 8th. This is my most intimate and tender recording to date. Why? I believe because of the intense trials I had to got through when I was still making good decisions in my life ~alot of surprises I didn’t see coming. We all go through painful times and I believe “Regardless” became OUR story. Every song fits under the umbrella of that word, “Regardless”. I was tired in my journey and didn’t want to record anymore. Maybe I wanted to, but didn’t have the strength to follow it through to completion. Thankfully and very gratefully I have a friend who lifted my arms in battle and said, “You will get this one done. It needs to be recorded”. I am reminded of how important this CD is when I’m in concert and so many relate to the words of each and every song. We all walk similar roads, but no matter the heartache, the terrain the disappointments, we will finish this race…together. No turning back.
What inspired you to write this release?
Who inspired me to write this song? My mom. “Well Worn” is the current single out, so far it has reached the #2 spot on the Christian Research Bulletin Chart. Mom is now in her 90’s and she is the closest thing to an angel here on earth. She has lived out a life of love and service which I believe has been absolutely impeccable. I’ve witnessed her devour at least 5 Bibles to the point of pages falling out, bindings broken and highlighting and markings throughout. She prayed for me throughout my wild younger years and I am convinced I am still here today because of this woman’s prayers. The power of a praying mama. Here’s one scenario: I had just finished a shift down on The Rock Block in Nashville off of Elliston Place at a business called TGIFriday’s. I was bar tending back in the day and three friends and myself walked out to partake in a little “break”. Two robbers came up and put a gun in my ribs and another under my friends jaw and started taking us for a walk down a dark alley. That happened at 1 AM in Nashville and at 11 PM in Cali my mom woke suddenly out of her deep sleep and got up and hit her knees and started praying for me. At that exact time there was a distraction across the street and the robbers fled. I have story after story like this for you. What a difference it makes in our life when someone believes in you, prays for you, roots for you and helps to pick you up when you fall. We all need someone in our corner, don’t we? My Mom has lived a life Worn Well and Well Worn.
Any plans to release a video?
Of course! That is always spinning in my mind and heart. But it takes finances and a great team. If anyone would like to contribute to this ministry, please visit my site and go to the ministry partners page and sign up. It would be very much appreciated. Until then, I have several videos on my youtube channel for you to view. I’ll leave that information for you.
Any plans to hit the road?
Yes! Road is my middle name. We are currently working to fill all the dates for 2017-18. If you like to join me on the road please visit my site and click on the “Appearances” link. If anyone would like to book a concert or speaking engagement, please send a request at the site.
You may order music from the site or on iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon and don’t forget to check out the Lisa Daggs Pandora Station!
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I share from the heart of my experiences. I’ve been through many valleys and have landed on top. I feel that by being venerable it breeds venerability and helps others realize it’s safe to open up and share their stories. We never know who it’s going to touch and how it’s going to change their lives.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I’ve actually been listening to the new project that I will be recording for another Artist, Ronnie Horton. This is my first time seeing a project through and producing for someone else. The rough tracks are Off The Hook amazing!! His project, “That’s What I Do” will be released April 1st. No foolin’. ? And you can pre-order yours at
Also I’ am cutting tracks February 18th in Nashville for my very first Christmas CD, so I’m busy finding the exact arrangements and special songs that I can sing from my heart.
Tell us about your passions
Coffee. And then More coffee. LOL AND my now 16 year old daughter. She’s Cheer Captain, In Advanced Theatre and lots of activities throughout the week. I’ve also been hosting Reality Check – Recovery Talk on the Radio which has spread to 27 Countries and 47 States. I have a aged parent and oversee her care, so many are counting on me to show up.
There is much to be done…too much in a life time. So I try to hit the gym, drink protein shakes and take care of my body. It’s the only one I have and I want it to carry me through to see my daughter grow old.
What else is happening next in your world?
God only knows. Hopefully more traveling as Faith is growing in to young adult hood. I’ve slowed down for her, but I’m gearing up for many more travel dates on the road. I’m living in Cali but would like to purchase a nice piece of land in Nashville and have room for a pool ad a great recording studio…Like I said God only knows. So until then, I will do my best to listen to where He is calling me to be. Because after all, thats where we ultimately want to be.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Lisa!
Connect with Lisa Daggs
Genres: Acoustic, Blues, Christian, Country, Gospel, Pop, Rock, singer-songwriter, Women In Music
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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