Artist Interview: Obed Zeme

Tell us about yourself and your music
First of all thank you ArtistPR for doing my interview.
I am a guitar player, composer, arranger, producer, and a teacher from Delhi, India.
My pursuit of music reflects my life experiences and personal journey. From Rock, Latin, Country, Blues, Gospel to Metal, and Funk, I absorb and learn from all genres, which hopefully fuse as one and come together as one, as my personal expression, my personal style. I am also a certified guitar instructor’s trainer for Yamaha Music in India.
Currently I am working on various projects under my own banner Obed Zeme, which is a charitable humanitarian body that endeavours to touch lives through education, social awareness initiative and building support group. The philosophy behind Obed Zeme’s that Music is more than mere entertainment. Young lovers of music can deeply engage with their social realities and contribute greatly in making a better society. It also attempts to give dignity and respect to musicians who are often stereotyped and associated with drugs and negative elements. It focuses on grooming young talents and promoting them to become independent and responsible professionals.
My band mostly do guitar instrumental but we also have songs in the set list.
Talk to us more about your latest release
I have not release any new stuff recently but do check out my experimental guitar instrumental album called ‘Canaan Caravan’,which was released at blueFrog Delhi India on the 25th of July 2014. It encompasses different genres like ballad, rock, latin, country, funk, jazz, and blues. Canaan Caravan is not one season recording but a consolidation of songs written in the last decade 2000-2008. The album seeks to connect with the Higher power through music. It conveys my vision for Peace and Harmony amongst all peoples.
Sorry am not active at soundcloud so please do find me here :
What inspired you to write this release?
These are captured moments of my feelings, emotions and expressions on my instrument from my daily life.
Any plans to release a video?
Not immediately, but I plan to do a video from the album itself.
Any plans to hit the road?
Of course I am planning this year to gig around in India if not anywhere but nothing is finalized at the moment.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
Explosive and lyrical is the word I wanna use here. I try to combine the different styles of music with melodic soloing skillfully in my playing to create passionate music.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I have been listening to musicians like Greg Howe, Guthrie Govan, Larry Carlton, Fourplay, Richard Bona and U2.
Tell us about your passions
I like being in the mixing consoles whether in the recording studio or live show. That’s what I do if I am not doing my music. I like long drive as well
What else is happening next in your world?
Right now am spending most of my time at home with my one and a five months old daughter Zozo and my wife Konei.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Obed!
Connect with Obed Zeme
Genres: Blues, Christian, Experimental, Funk, Instrumental, Rock
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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