Artist Interview: GREEN

Tell us about yourself and your music
My name is Stuart Green and i now use my last name green as my artist title, i started out as a drummer, my first professional band was called Sidekick we were a 10 piece soul funk unit based
in Newcastle in the North East of England. I gained great experience performing live venues all over the UK we were a hard working band living on the road for a couple of years. It was during this time i began to write songs, little did i know at the time songwriting would take over my life. However i’m dwelling on the first band to long there was quite a few bands i played in after sidekick who were more successful and it was during this period in time i learned to play Bass,Piano & Guitar which helps a great deal when you’re writing songs, and the more songs you write the more you want to record them and so i made the decision to write & record my songs which to cut a long story short brings me to where i am now living in Australia.
Talk to us more about your latest release
My latest release Love Is Calling, was great fun to record and was even better fun writing it.
bringing back the dance funk style from the 70’s into 2016 -17 Produced & Mixed by Vince Valentini Written & Recorded by Green and i do actualy play all the instruments on the track.
What inspired you to write this release?
My inspiration to write this track i confess was a little bit of nostalgia listening to some old
tamla mowtown tracks mixed with a visit to the local pub and watching the whole senario happen
in front of me, when i returned home the song was already in my head.
Any plans to release a video?
I have indeed released a video for Love Is Calling and you can watch it on You Tube.
Any plans to hit the road?
At the moment i do not have plans to hit the road as all my time & money is being spent on recording, however if i generate enough interest i would love to return to playing live gigs and touring. I do have a new single that will be released later on this month Strangest Places i just wanted to squeeze that in.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I am a songwriter branded as an indie artist, i put my songs out there to maybe get some interest
from an artist or band who might be interested in recording them and before i had a chance to launch myself as a songwriter i’m receiving emails from people who have enjoyed my music and have become fans after listening to my songs, all this happened through radio airplay, so having got a positive response i found myself being branded as an indie artist.
Who have you been listening to lately?
i have been listening to a lot of old tunes lately from Mowtown to Gino Vanelli to the Tubes,
Toots & The Maytals i learn a lot from these people.
Tell us about your passions
My Passions, there is only one and that is music it keeps me sane it keeps me alive and knowing that i have touched just one person with my music makes me happy.
What else is happening next in your world?
More new releases to come in the next few months, starting a new project with an Australian Artist we are just going through the process of choosing the right songs to record and i’m looking forward to recording with them next month.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Stuart!
Connect with GREEN
Genres: Pop, singer-songwriter
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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