The Thomas Nat Project... A Life Time In The Making

Tell us about yourself and your music
I’m a 62 year old songwriter/poet who never gave up on a dream to succeed and achieve a goal to have my songs released by anyone that believes in my message. I feel this is my one shot. So I picked Artist PR to help me achieve my goal for my family. So they can have a better life. It’s truly not about me. I don’t know the “music business” which is another reason why I hired Artist PR to help. I Never wanted to be a rock star. The Thomas Nat Project is the result of years of dedication and determination. My songs have a message to have you think and then hopefully become inspired to take action.
Did you ever believe in something so much that you would risk all of your worldly possessions even if they were gone? I’m close to that point.
Talk to us more about your latest release
‘Leave Your Mark’ is a collection of 15 songs from a list of 50 I’ve written since 2005.
What inspired you to write this release?
Looking around the world and the concern for my children and grandchildren. Our world as it unfolds before us every day of our lives when we ‘wake up’ each day.
Describe the writing and recording process
It’s a very unique process. Think of me like a turtle.
Except for a little percussion I don’t play because of the roads I’ve taken through my life. My process was that I hired people over the years to play my melodies as I sang my lyrics even thou I tried the band thing.
They never saw my vision and didn’t have the same dedication even thou they thought they were going to be rock stars.
The majority say I’ve been wasting my life savings and that I won’t be able to achieve my goal because… you’re too old.
I have the same drive today as I did back in 1973. And that drive was to meet the girl who is now my wife. It was the,” have to get married thing” at the time that was one of the reasons for taking a different road thru life. Sort of got off track.
Life isn’t all fastballs there are many curves, you just need to learn how to hit them the right way.
Now as Paul (if I were the devil) always use to say, “The Rest of the Story”…
Fast forward to November 29, 2001, The day George Harrison passed on. It was my birthday. As I listened to His last CD release “Brainwashed” in 2002. A thunderbolt of inspiration overwhelmed me. It’s hard to explain.
My Lyrics and melodies just pop into my head. I record everything with a drum mix. Give that to the people I hired to play and when I’m happy with it we record and mix the song.
Any plans to hit the road?
It wasn’t in the plan. Unless someone believes in my work that they would like to sponsor it.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
Songs with a message for a reality check. Something I feel todays music has been lacking for decades. I classify my songs as “Dirt Rock”.
Who are your biggest influences?
Beatles, CCR, Doors, TSO, Billy Joel, Neil Diamond, Michael Been, Robert Plant just to name a few.
Tell us about your passions
To get my songs on the radio and become successful.
What else is happening next in your world?
God only knows.
Thanks for an awesome interview, The Thomas Nat Project
Connect with The Thomas Nat Project
Genres: Rock
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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