Artist Interview: Reesco Ent

Tell us about yourself and your music
I was born and raised in Richmond VA. I got into music when I heard my first Rap song. I’m an old school bred M.C. with a new school appeal. My mission is to preserve the true art Hip Hop. Hip hop is the beat of the street and the voice of the disenfranchised. Term y music can be compared to Soulful Artists such as Bobby Womack, David Ruffin, Ron Isley. If you give my music a chance to soothe you.I’mm guaranteeing you that you will get hooked. To describe my music with one word. Dope.
Talk to us more about your latest release
My latest release is “I Eat” on Soundcloud and Number1Music/Reescoent. This master piece is a story of my lustful hunger and greedy desire for fame and fortune.
What inspired you to write this release?
The inspiration for this song is simple. I think every great artist deserves there recognitions and rewards. I’m crying out for mine.
Any plans to release a video?
I dont have a video in my plans due to financial constraints. I’m excepting sponsorship and support for my cause as we speak. Care of
Any plans to hit the road?
I’m always open for booking. Call 8043091489
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I set myself apart by being brutally honest and exploiting my own vulnerabilities. I breathe the spirit of hope and promise in my music.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I have been listening to Deitrick Haddon’s “Well Done” . My favorite song. I believe I will end up doing gospel music
Tell us about your passions
My passion is extraterrestrial. I really want to know what or who’s out there. I know we come from the one thing that is so ignored. Alien life form. I think I come from the Grey’s. I have dry skin. Lol. Im also a Comedian. No seriously.
What else is happening next in your world?
Man, whats next for me. Ok. I will actually convince the writers and readers of this publication. That I am the greatest atist, in comparison to Elvis or John Lennon. And we will all band together with all of our will and might. And make “Reesco Ent” the biggest and baddest music maker alive. By any means necessary.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Maurice!
Connect with Reesco Ent
Genres: Hip Hop, R&B
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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