Artist Interview: Mariah Jas

Tell us about yourself and your music
I’m quite sensitive and strong at the same time. I’m shy and reserved and music to me is my own way to deliver such a speech that I cannot open up in normal conversations.
I write about my own experiences and my own dreams and my very own day to day struggles which I believe we all share in common. It’s my way to connect with the people who are going through the same emotions which we all do at some point. It’s my way to release and free my soul, free every nerve in my body and let my mind be my own voice while I write it down and create something beautiful out of it.
Talk to us more about your latest release
My last and latest release is a song called ‘’ Many Endings’’ It’s a song about a relationship where a couple was deeply in love and had beautiful plans but later on the girl realized that the guy was a bluff.She kept the truth to herself and never let him know but then she just had to put a stop because he wasn’t going to change. For a short time, it is available at
What inspired you to write this release?
Like I said, we all share similar experiences at some point. I was in a relationship with a guy who made me believe in things that were completely new to me but later on, I found out that they were all plain lies. I had to let go of the feelings and I couldn’t share it in person with no one, that’s when I decided to express those through music.
Any plans to release a video?
Yes, I’d been doing some simple animated videos of my songs as a start but on a serious note, I’m planning on releasing a music video very soon.
Any plans to hit the road?
Right now, I’m working on an album which is very personal. As soon as it’s released, we do have some big plans.
As an indie artist, how do you brand yourself and your music to stand out from the rest of the artists out there?
I think my kind of music, my writing style, my voice coupled with that strong belief in myself and a lot of hard work and goodwill would help. And, that’s MARIAH JAS.
Who have you been listening to lately?
I’ve been listening more of British artists like Tom Odell and Australian artists like Kylie Minogue.
Tell us about your passions
I like being punctual, and I’m completely a morning person. I like to pet my cats and go for a 4-mile run to start the day. Of course, l like lifting because I like to see my body toned. I don’t really know if it’s my passion but I love complimenting people. I run and I randomly hug them and let them know that there’s something about them that’s shining today. When they smile, it’s so overwhelming, like an achievement.
What else is happening next in your world?
I’m completing my studies and hope to travel as many places as possible, that is, besides making music.
Thanks for an awesome interview, Mariah!
Connect with Mariah Jas
Genres: Pop, singer-songwriter
Source: ArtistPR Indie Artist Interview
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