The Best New Songwriter Releases the Best New EP!
The best new artist is Chris McDermott of Eve of Release, period... and if you dare to argue, we dare you to listen for free at and then decide what you think. Some fans would argue he's the best songwriter to emerge since John Lennon, Paul McCartney, or even... dare we say... Ringo Starr! Okay, so maybe no one is better than Ringo (on Mars), but Chris has definitely upped-the-ante with the release of his new EP. Who am I to make this claim? I'm simply a music critic who used to be an active musician, but I'm also one of the newest fans of Eve of Release who discovered Chris' music while browsing for someone worth writing about. Shall I elaborate?
Anyone can visit the official website at to hear even more songs from the unreleased album that aren't featured on the EP. Needless to say, fans are even more excited by the songs NOT included on the EP, and it's becoming more apparent with each song release that Chris McDermott's music stands to become as timeless as some legendary musicians who have passed.
So check it out, and you can thank me later. It's not often you'll find an artist that has a song for your every mood, or one whose songs will end up on every playlist on your mp3 player. The atmosphere will morph around you on every track, but you'll always feel like your connecting to a truly gifted musician who just may be the next who lives on beyond us all as legend.
For more information or free song downloads, visit or "Like" the official Facebook fan-page at for the latest news updates.
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