The Wu Tang Clan is Proud to Introduce SAYDAH (The Acoustic Album)!
The Wu Tang Clan is proud to introduce, SAYDAH (The Acoustic Album)!
Pandora had this to say about the album, "...Play a song that
exemplifies the musical style of Saydah which features R&B
influences, mild rhythmic syncopation, acoustic sonority, acoustic
rhythm piano and intricate melodic phrasing.”
CHECK OUT her official Wu Tang the New Generation Fan Page, support her new album from Zu Films Wu Tang Label. Watch her FIRST celebrity interview on her clothing line at the MeLee Model Company. LISTEN to her acoustic single “ROCKSTAR”, just Saydah and the piano, on Jango, Pandora, and MySpace. Check out her official MTV page, and welcome with us, SAYDAH, our new prodigy from Wu Tang Clan's label Zu Films!
“Here's a little bit about our artist, Saydah. As you will soon know, Zu Films Inc brings you nuttin but da best!”—Zu Films Inc.
in Liberia West Africa, world traveled, and residing in Los Angeles,
CA, is Saydah, the musical Basa Princess from across the seas. Saydah
began performing at the age of 7 with formal piano recitals. She then
began experimenting with vocal and instrumental compositions and
recording albums. She professionally began doing performances at age 16.
Since then, she has had the privilege of working with the industry elite on all levels, such as Preston Glass, Larry Moore from The Main Ingredient, including a brief stint of being managed by David Anthony and P.J. (Paul Johnson based out of NY), Michael Holden (Stevie Wonder's team and producer of Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise), and also working hard with Wu Tang Clan, and many others. Currently, Saydah has been working on an album with Wu Tang and their record label, Zu Films.
Saydah has also decided to break into acting as well and is currently being considered for a few major roles in some feature films, as well as being considered for a new pilot on ABC. Saydah continues to act, model, design for the MeLee Model company, and is preparing her official radio and television release with Wu Tang the New Generation. Saydah is the newest recording artist signed to the Wu Tang Clan's record label. She is currently on radio on Jango, on Pandora, and her single "Rockstar" is in over 37 different countries. She just finished an ad campaign to blitz her all over the web on sites such as MTV and IMDB, going on tour with the Wu Tang Clan, on MTV, and recently submitted her commercial single to Nielsen BDS for airplay detection. This is her first album with the Wu Tang Clan! It was recently released on September 19th, and she is already known in over 37 different countries by way of her official Wu Tang Clan site and her radio single "RockStar". She has an 8 octave range and has worked with the top of the industry throughout her entire career. She most recently did a celebrity interview that can be seen as far away as Japan and Germany. (International sites Documented on her facebook page.) Within just one month, Saydah is a household name, and only growing from there.
Her most recent performances include the world famous Kodak Theater, the Terrace in Pasadena, the Pre Oscar Gifting Suites, and the Aqua Lounge in Beverly Hills. Saydah’s recent television appearances have been on the celebrity shopping channel, Ustream celebrity fundraiser for Haiti, and a music video. Saydah actively models with her modeling agency and agent, and enjoys the beach in her free time.
Being a Basa Princess from the Basa tribe has allowed her to perceive the world in a unique light. That's right! Wu Tang--Zu Films has done it, again! Wu Tang the New Generation is proud to introduce to you a genuine Liberian Bassa Princess. It's true! That's how we do at Zu Films! Nuttin but da best! Saydah is the Bassa Princess from Liberia, West Africa, and all this can be verified on her Facebook.
She is slated to go on tour in Africa very shortly. Feel free to check her creds from the minister of Justice in Liberia, J. Alben Greaves, on her facebook page at. Her international flare is what she brings with her into her music that she both sings and writes, with her striking vocal and instrumental composition, along with her 8 octave range. You herd! Yup! "8 octave". Nuff said! With this, we leave you now with her 3 tracks from Zu Films Inc that should put the talk to rest! Those slammin pipes and stunning stage presence, make Saydah , Wu Tang-Zu Films, and Wu Gen a driving force that will have you coming back for more!
FROM ALL OF US HERE AT ZU FILMS, PEACE! Thank you for being fans, and let’s get out there and support the Wu Tang Clan’s NEW GENERATION! Look for SAYDAH’s official studio album release with Wu Tang 2014; buy her acoustic album on sale now! Check out her YouTube channel SaydahWu Tang the New Generation Zu Films, for more surprises…
To all our fans, thanks! Let’s take it over! Her music is currently the MeLee Model Company theme song, we couldn’t be more proud of our girl! Welcome to the Wu Tang, The NEW GENERATION. Get ready for this! PEACE
Zu Films Inc.
Wu Tang Clan The New Generation
Ephraim - Manager of Bassa Princess of Liberia & Wu Tang Clan- Zu Films Recording Artist
CHECK OUT her official Wu Tang the New Generation Fan Page, support her new album from Zu Films Wu Tang Label. Watch her FIRST celebrity interview on her clothing line at the MeLee Model Company. LISTEN to her acoustic single “ROCKSTAR”, just Saydah and the piano, on Jango, Pandora, and MySpace. Check out her official MTV page, and welcome with us, SAYDAH, our new prodigy from Wu Tang Clan's label Zu Films!
“Here's a little bit about our artist, Saydah. As you will soon know, Zu Films Inc brings you nuttin but da best!”—Zu Films Inc.
Since then, she has had the privilege of working with the industry elite on all levels, such as Preston Glass, Larry Moore from The Main Ingredient, including a brief stint of being managed by David Anthony and P.J. (Paul Johnson based out of NY), Michael Holden (Stevie Wonder's team and producer of Coolio's Gangsta's Paradise), and also working hard with Wu Tang Clan, and many others. Currently, Saydah has been working on an album with Wu Tang and their record label, Zu Films.
Saydah has also decided to break into acting as well and is currently being considered for a few major roles in some feature films, as well as being considered for a new pilot on ABC. Saydah continues to act, model, design for the MeLee Model company, and is preparing her official radio and television release with Wu Tang the New Generation. Saydah is the newest recording artist signed to the Wu Tang Clan's record label. She is currently on radio on Jango, on Pandora, and her single "Rockstar" is in over 37 different countries. She just finished an ad campaign to blitz her all over the web on sites such as MTV and IMDB, going on tour with the Wu Tang Clan, on MTV, and recently submitted her commercial single to Nielsen BDS for airplay detection. This is her first album with the Wu Tang Clan! It was recently released on September 19th, and she is already known in over 37 different countries by way of her official Wu Tang Clan site and her radio single "RockStar". She has an 8 octave range and has worked with the top of the industry throughout her entire career. She most recently did a celebrity interview that can be seen as far away as Japan and Germany. (International sites Documented on her facebook page.) Within just one month, Saydah is a household name, and only growing from there.
Her most recent performances include the world famous Kodak Theater, the Terrace in Pasadena, the Pre Oscar Gifting Suites, and the Aqua Lounge in Beverly Hills. Saydah’s recent television appearances have been on the celebrity shopping channel, Ustream celebrity fundraiser for Haiti, and a music video. Saydah actively models with her modeling agency and agent, and enjoys the beach in her free time.
Being a Basa Princess from the Basa tribe has allowed her to perceive the world in a unique light. That's right! Wu Tang--Zu Films has done it, again! Wu Tang the New Generation is proud to introduce to you a genuine Liberian Bassa Princess. It's true! That's how we do at Zu Films! Nuttin but da best! Saydah is the Bassa Princess from Liberia, West Africa, and all this can be verified on her Facebook.
She is slated to go on tour in Africa very shortly. Feel free to check her creds from the minister of Justice in Liberia, J. Alben Greaves, on her facebook page at. Her international flare is what she brings with her into her music that she both sings and writes, with her striking vocal and instrumental composition, along with her 8 octave range. You herd! Yup! "8 octave". Nuff said! With this, we leave you now with her 3 tracks from Zu Films Inc that should put the talk to rest! Those slammin pipes and stunning stage presence, make Saydah , Wu Tang-Zu Films, and Wu Gen a driving force that will have you coming back for more!
FROM ALL OF US HERE AT ZU FILMS, PEACE! Thank you for being fans, and let’s get out there and support the Wu Tang Clan’s NEW GENERATION! Look for SAYDAH’s official studio album release with Wu Tang 2014; buy her acoustic album on sale now! Check out her YouTube channel SaydahWu Tang the New Generation Zu Films, for more surprises…
To all our fans, thanks! Let’s take it over! Her music is currently the MeLee Model Company theme song, we couldn’t be more proud of our girl! Welcome to the Wu Tang, The NEW GENERATION. Get ready for this! PEACE
Zu Films Inc.
Wu Tang Clan The New Generation
Ephraim - Manager of Bassa Princess of Liberia & Wu Tang Clan- Zu Films Recording Artist
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