Over The Falls: A Better Band Than You'd Think
They like beers. They have beards. They play heavy, loud rock music. With beards. And guitars. Plus, drums!
Is it too much to ask that a heavy rock band also be a fun rock band?
Do you have to be all angry just to play aggressive music? Well, Over The Falls says, "NAY!" Just because you like to rock out, doesn't mean you gotta be a jerk about it.
The Falls is a heavy rock band, born of the thrash punk and weedy
grooves of their native San Francisco. They were formed in May 2009, by 3
beardy guys who found a fourth, even beardier guy on Craiglist. Who
knew that there was actually talent to be found on Craiglist? Tim, Bret
and Chris sure didn't, since it took 'em over a year to find Ryan. After
about a month of practicing new tunes, recycled tune-ups, and cover
songs, they set forth gigging all about the SF Bay Area, building chops
and making fans.
Now, after playing nearly 100 shows, releasing an EP (The Sleepy E.P.) and full length (Yes, Have Some), they just don't feel like stopping. Over The Falls has spent the bulk of 2013 working steadily on a new album, with their newest member, Hamish, who provides extra guitar, keyboards, and sweet, drunken, Scottish warbling.
Speaking of their music, have you heard any yet? Well then, what are you doing? Go to the Website and listen to it! You did?!? Oh sweet... Thanks! Now just come out and see Over The Falls next time they're in your town (or within a 5-to-105 mile radius of your town).
Over The Falls... a better band than you'd think™
Is it too much to ask that a heavy rock band also be a fun rock band?
Do you have to be all angry just to play aggressive music? Well, Over The Falls says, "NAY!" Just because you like to rock out, doesn't mean you gotta be a jerk about it.
Now, after playing nearly 100 shows, releasing an EP (The Sleepy E.P.) and full length (Yes, Have Some), they just don't feel like stopping. Over The Falls has spent the bulk of 2013 working steadily on a new album, with their newest member, Hamish, who provides extra guitar, keyboards, and sweet, drunken, Scottish warbling.
Speaking of their music, have you heard any yet? Well then, what are you doing? Go to the Website and listen to it! You did?!? Oh sweet... Thanks! Now just come out and see Over The Falls next time they're in your town (or within a 5-to-105 mile radius of your town).
Over The Falls... a better band than you'd think™
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