Asbestos, Baltimore Progressive/Punk Band Releases New Album 'Life Incorporated'

In 2013, Asbestos finished producing and released their 3rd CD “Life Incorporated,” exploring the dangers of greed and expanding the genre lines of punk music. This ambitious CD includes 30 guest musicians from Maryland, the US, and around the world playing everything from violin to euphonium. “The Prog/Punk Dichotomy” is a term music critic Mike Korn used in 2011 to describe the band’s daringness to fuse their deep roots in fast, chord blasting punk music, and expansion into odd meters and linear (non-verse-chorus-verse) song forms. Celebrating both their new release and 10 year anniversary, Asbestos will kick off 2014 with their fifth annual Snowbird tour during the month of January.

“Life Incorporated” is available on iTunes as well as in Baltimore area CD stores Sound Garden and Record and Tape Traders. To hear samples from the album, download free demos, and learn more about the band, visit their website at While you're there, be sure to watch the music video for one of the most popular and controversial songs from the album, “Jesus Was No Commando,” which addresses issues of religious hypocrisy.

Becca Edwards
Manager, Asbestos


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