Mike Dubose and The Dissidents Frontman Prepare Debut CD
Critically acclaimed, Mike Dubose (Mike Dubose and The Dissidents) is
a homegrown Austin musician having grown up around the talent that has
sprung out of Austin, such as James McMurtry and Tish Hinojosa, Mike has
shared the stage with Willie Nelson, Lucinda Williams, Pete Seeger,
Eliott Smith, Indigo Girls, Steve Earle, Foo Fighters, Son Volt, &
Wilco.Head Above Water is a solo acoustic CD produced by Bill Teags and
engineered by Stuart Sullivan at Wire Studios in Austin, and was
released in December 2012.

Mike was born in Liberty, Texas and moved to Austin at age 6. Having been born with cerebral palsy, Mike was told he would never be able to play guitar. Mike scoffed at this idea and at 13 decided to challenge the world by teaching himself to play guitar using open tunings, thus developing his own unique sound and style. Not satisfied with learning a few cover tunes, he again defied his "limitations" by writing and singing his own songs. From the age of 8, Mike was drawn to the edgier sounds on the radio, where, in his words, “I could relate to the anger in their music”. Mike pulled his early influences from Guns N Roses, Nirvana, The Sex Pistols, Metallica, and AC/DC. Deeply into all kinds of music, Mike also drew inspiration from the local Austin music scene as well as The Beatles, Johnny Cash and Townes Van Zandt.
When Head Above Water was originally discussed, the plan was for a total rock-band project. Once inside Wire Studio, it quickly became evident that an acoustic approach suited the songs. Mike always writes on acoustic guitar, so it seemed only natural that the audience should get to experience the songs as they were written. With the expertise of legendary engineer Stuart Sullivan (Willie Nelson, Sublime, Meat Puppets, James McMurtry,Butthole Surfers) producer Bill Teags enlisted the help of local Austin musicians Danny Levin (cello), Amanda Kitchens(accordion), Sumner Erickson (tuba) and Diana Bruschke (backing vocals) to bring life to Mike's music. Each song on this CD has a story that is told through well-crafted and thought-provoking lyrics. Accustomed to the painful side of life while vowing never to give in to any affliction, Mike's lyrics bring you into each story.
Around 1996, Mike formed the Austin band Missing Ingredient, who opened for various bands touring through Austin such as Son Volt, Wilco, Elliott Smith, the Foo Fighters and Yo La Tengo. Missing Ingredient released a CD in 1999 locally in Austin titled Consolation Prize to positive reviews.
After Missing Ingredient disbanded in 2000, Mike chose to attend the University of Texas while still pursuing a career in music, mostly as a solo artist. Mike formed Mike Dubose and The Dissidents in 2006 and when the need for a band arises, Mike teams up with founding Dissidents bassist/vocalist Diana Bruschke, guitarist Gary Bobo and drummer Frank Iarossi. The Mike Dubose and The Dissidents’ debut CD is on the horizon; engineered and mixed by Stuart Sullivan and co-produced by Bill Teags and Leonard Cohen's bassist, musical director and producer Roscoe Beck.
Head Above Water is available at CD Baby, Itunes, Amazon. MySpace music and at independent record stores nation-wide.
Mike Dubose links:
“Mike Dubose is a fierce performer and a fearless man"
- James McMurtry
"Mike Dubose has the heart of a writer--his politically active and heartfelt expression sometimes invokes a Neil Young and Crazy Horse mood."
- Loris Lowe, KLBJ-KGSR, Austin TX
"Mike Dubose is an amazing singer-songwriter, accompanied by extraordinary musicians"
. Steve Earle
“If Bob Dylan had grown up listening to punk rock, he would have sounded like Mike Dubose”
- Bill Teags
Contact Jo Rae Di Menno at 512.554.2799 and at jorae@hardpressedpubicity.com for further information.
Mike was born in Liberty, Texas and moved to Austin at age 6. Having been born with cerebral palsy, Mike was told he would never be able to play guitar. Mike scoffed at this idea and at 13 decided to challenge the world by teaching himself to play guitar using open tunings, thus developing his own unique sound and style. Not satisfied with learning a few cover tunes, he again defied his "limitations" by writing and singing his own songs. From the age of 8, Mike was drawn to the edgier sounds on the radio, where, in his words, “I could relate to the anger in their music”. Mike pulled his early influences from Guns N Roses, Nirvana, The Sex Pistols, Metallica, and AC/DC. Deeply into all kinds of music, Mike also drew inspiration from the local Austin music scene as well as The Beatles, Johnny Cash and Townes Van Zandt.
When Head Above Water was originally discussed, the plan was for a total rock-band project. Once inside Wire Studio, it quickly became evident that an acoustic approach suited the songs. Mike always writes on acoustic guitar, so it seemed only natural that the audience should get to experience the songs as they were written. With the expertise of legendary engineer Stuart Sullivan (Willie Nelson, Sublime, Meat Puppets, James McMurtry,Butthole Surfers) producer Bill Teags enlisted the help of local Austin musicians Danny Levin (cello), Amanda Kitchens(accordion), Sumner Erickson (tuba) and Diana Bruschke (backing vocals) to bring life to Mike's music. Each song on this CD has a story that is told through well-crafted and thought-provoking lyrics. Accustomed to the painful side of life while vowing never to give in to any affliction, Mike's lyrics bring you into each story.
Around 1996, Mike formed the Austin band Missing Ingredient, who opened for various bands touring through Austin such as Son Volt, Wilco, Elliott Smith, the Foo Fighters and Yo La Tengo. Missing Ingredient released a CD in 1999 locally in Austin titled Consolation Prize to positive reviews.
After Missing Ingredient disbanded in 2000, Mike chose to attend the University of Texas while still pursuing a career in music, mostly as a solo artist. Mike formed Mike Dubose and The Dissidents in 2006 and when the need for a band arises, Mike teams up with founding Dissidents bassist/vocalist Diana Bruschke, guitarist Gary Bobo and drummer Frank Iarossi. The Mike Dubose and The Dissidents’ debut CD is on the horizon; engineered and mixed by Stuart Sullivan and co-produced by Bill Teags and Leonard Cohen's bassist, musical director and producer Roscoe Beck.
Head Above Water is available at CD Baby, Itunes, Amazon. MySpace music and at independent record stores nation-wide.
Mike Dubose links:
“Mike Dubose is a fierce performer and a fearless man"
- James McMurtry
"Mike Dubose has the heart of a writer--his politically active and heartfelt expression sometimes invokes a Neil Young and Crazy Horse mood."
- Loris Lowe, KLBJ-KGSR, Austin TX
"Mike Dubose is an amazing singer-songwriter, accompanied by extraordinary musicians"
. Steve Earle
“If Bob Dylan had grown up listening to punk rock, he would have sounded like Mike Dubose”
- Bill Teags
Contact Jo Rae Di Menno at 512.554.2799 and at jorae@hardpressedpubicity.com for further information.
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