Carmen L Miller Releases New Project, Skin and Bones

A soulful songstress and energetic performer who brings the best of what people love about music together in one total package: great stage presence and a powerful quality sound. Her voice is inviting and stirring in a way that makes you want to hear more. She also has the ability to create an exciting atmosphere anywhere with all of the emotion she brings to each song. Having crafted lyrics and melodies all of her life and developing into a prolific songwriter in her own rite, Carmen can emote her message on a broadly appealing level without losing the spirit of the message within each song. Her voice exudes sincerity in every word and every note.

As a musician that has been on the grind for many years and in many areas from writing and singing hooks on Billboard charting songs to singing in girl groups, cover bands, and church choirs only to realize that it was time to create her own lane. She'd like to share how starting a family and a career had her put dreams on hold for a time to establish a solid foundation. She was the matriarch of her family when her mom died and was raising my brother and sisters as well as her own children.

She always had that fire though. Despite many false starts and ups and downs, she stuck with music and have been loosely associated with almost every genre scene in town from hip hop to jazz. Blues to grunge. Until she went back to her first loves,Rock and gospel. She started singing in the sunshine choir at First Glory Baptist Church in Detroit... had her first solo at 4 years old and from that point on, fell in love with songs.

This year marks the fruition of a dream. She started her own mom and pop Indie label, Since I Was 4, LLC to produce the kind of music she loves. On her CD, All Good (2011) you can hear the wealth of different influences, gathered from all of her musical experiences. It's not your momma's gospel as it includes everything from neo-soul to dance pop... "I wanted to make the stuff I wanted to hear without being confined to a formula. I hope it uplifts people and feeds good energy with soul. "

In 2012, She has entered a new musical realm, falling in love with, living and breathing Rock n the footsteps of Tina Turner meets Zepplin with a little Aretha thrown in for good measure, this lady Rocks. Without losing her soulful delivery and inspirational message, she brings life to music in a way that has not been done before. She is that once in a lifetime moment of catching lightning in a bottle.... rare and tremendously talented.

Her new project Skin and Bones (2012) will bring together beautiful stirring vocals and music that digs into your core for a totally unforgettable experience. Due in September 2012, this will sure be a pivotal event.

On @cariller


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