The Real Son Of Man And Why The First Begotten Is Simply The First Amongst Men.

district heights, MD — If live imitates art, Your music defines the culture around you. Music has the power to shape acceptable norms in the parts of society the public cant reach. Son Of Man’s Music is no different, Giving voice to the voiceless and countless others behind bars.
Christ was the first and Son Of Man is one among many. He speaks to the hearts of those who otherwise would be silent. Those forgotten, Those long gave up on as unwanted, are the very ones Son Of Man speaks to. At 18 with a 41 year sentence Hopelessness was a recurring theme, while the only thing to combat its effects was Kingdom Music. Looking to something better gave birth to ,Till Death Makes Us Eternal Entertainment.
“Choose Life Each Moment” became a anthem to live by because i saw soo many people waiting for something to happen so they could begin to live life, and in the meantime life was slipping away.” Son Of Man’s Music is raw and Passionate, it embraces the part of ourselves we would like to forget. -AAron- “Son Of Man’s music will have all the have nots feeling like the world is theirs” Says Naja from Boston. If you had to categorize a genre of music that doesn’t exist yet this would definitely be spirit music. It Brings parts of you to life that you thought didn’t exist.
Born to a Black panther in Washington Dc, Son Of Man(Sekou) Began a life of Revolution early. Its No wonder he is set on Revolutionizing the Rap game. Prison reformation and re-entry is the principle topic that Son Of Man would like his music to shine light on. Community development with a village raising the child mentality sets him apart as a ” Outreach Musician”. He hopes one day his music will give him a bigger platform to create change.
Son Of Man is absolutely a musicians musician. If you are a lover of music, and believe it has the power to change lives this artist is worth the wait. Inspired by artists such as Scarface, Pimp C, 2Pac, Easy E, and SnoopDog to name a few his music Libary doesnt end there. He swears by Foofighters and Erykah Badu. With inspiration like that the sound you get from him is Crazy. Son Of Man if for hiphop heads, trap gods, poets, and any creative out there with a fresh ear quality music.
The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and Son Of Mans journey is just beginning, Find out what all the hype is about and download One free track today
A life without passion is a life lived without conviction. Son Of Man’s music is a heart put on wax. It speaks to the Trap, but encourages to break free of it. He speaks to depression but drops jewels to uplift out of it. You can listen to Anti Emotional (Album) on a good day or on a bad day. You can Play “Ambition” for the kids or “Best Thing “for your lover. It Takes you back to real hiphop days when lyrics and content really mattered.In short if You Love Music You will Fall in Love with Son Of Man.
Son Of Man
Name: Son Of Man
Address: 2120 brooks dr, district heights, MD
Phone: 2405959162
Press Kit:
Genres: Hip Hop
Source: ArtistPR Music Press Release
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