Indie singer-songwriter from Brazil producing songs in her bedroom releases new EP

Catu, Bahia, Brazil — Raissa Lago, singer from Brazil, is realeasing her EP: You Will Always Find Me Here. The singer started writing when she was 14 years old and now, with 19, she’s trying her best to get in the big music industry. With 5 songs written and produced by herself, Raissa brings sadness and farewell in her EP. After learning how to speak english all alone, the songwriter decided that she’d also learn how to produce, with her cheap piano and cheap microphone, she did it, 69and it’s now sharing her art with the world.
The EP it’s coming out everywhere november 26, with Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray and even Clairo vibes, the EP brings hope. After the first acoustic EP: “in the stars”, with sad songs, You Will Always Find Me Here has a funny end, “you WON’T find me here”, showting the outgrowing of the past pain, of the heartbroken and showing that life’s now moving on.
It’s pretty hard doing and trying everything all alone, when no one believes you, because of where you are from and things like this, but my music saved me so I won’t give my dreams.
Coming out everywhere NOVEMBER 26, self-written, self-produced, acoustic EP, bringing sadness, confusion and tears.
With songs like “i swear i’m not sad everyday” the ep shows how a heart can be broken, but also healed.
Feel your hear being broken and then heal it with You Will Always Find Me Here, stream the EP, NOVEMBER 26. Raissa Lago.
Raissa Lago is a singer born a poor area in Brazil, 2002, she plays guitar, piano and ukulele, every instrument self-taught, she learned english all by herself. Started writing when she was only 7 years old and fell in love for music because of the singer Taylor Swift, when she was 14 she finally won a guitar and started making her own music. Raissa’s been figthing for her career all alone, bought her piano after selling many songs on Fiverr, for only 5 dollars. After releasing her old EP: in the stars, with songs she wrote when she was 14, now with 19 years olf and her piano, she finally produced her music and decided it was time to release it.
Raissa Lago
Name: Raissa Lago dos Santos
Address: Rua Bela-Flor, Chesf, CATU, 1004, Catu, Bahia, Brazil
Phone: +5571996986541
Press Kit:
Genres: singer-songwriter
Source: ArtistPR Music Press Release
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