T. Ledger is releasing three projects in a Month!

Laverton, Victoria, Australia — Must admit, T. Ledger is hard working. Does most of his artistic endeavours himself. Red is a very long project, but makes sense to be so in the long scheme of things. Pop. is coming out on the Third of December if everything goes to plan, and with a full stop you can sense a bit of frustration that T. Ledger isn’t at the top of the charts yet. Or he’s just trolling as some of the material on Pop. is quite anti the establishment.
The other project to come out on December third is a 7 track EP called Be Normal. Fitting since he is widely known to have suffered from various mental illnesses. I think he’s taking the crap with that title, or someone must of said it to him. Either way, his humour is still intact as he’s entering adulthood with swagger having overcome so much. Top Bizzy a collaborator of his gives very good performances across the three projects, and apparently as of writing the projects are slightly different on Soundcloud where the projects are already up. There’s more tracks basically with 2 hour DJ mixes and YouTube to mp3 freestyles added. Some B-Sides too that surely will be released in the future. Even if some of the material are B-Sides to a degree, they are still of quality.
Apparently T. Ledger has been taking a break as his laptop charger broke. These tracks are forgotten gems that warrant the run time of the releases, the urgency to release them even if they are only beats of other songs. Maybe T. Ledger is Crap God; nah he’s released probably album of the year in Red, if he could just get the listeners who gravitate toward boring, mediocre, saturated in a bad way viral hits. T. Ledger doesn’t care as he knows he’s not a God, not crap. He’s a rockstar who can rap. Very well. Production on these projects is the best you’re gonna hear probably ever. And he probably won’t crack ten thousand listens for a while over the three projects. Again, he doesn’t care.
T. Ledger makes music for music junkies. Music junkies that only like the cool bands. And he’s a rapper, singer, guitarist, pianist, producer, composer, mixer, masterer, author, artist and writer. Who can’t afford Dunny paper at the moment. But he is doing better as of late, which his one fan would love.
In T. Ledger’s vacation at home for the last month or so he’s smoked a lot of cigarettes, drank less, played a lot of Fifa, wrote a screen play, in the process of writing his fourth book Astral Planes IV: Blue, broke his laptop charger making him not release another two albums, but in the meantime we get to see more of the inner workings of some of his previous projects, his unreleased album he talked about on 2 Star off the Sue me I want to Die Album, and he’s released 2 Star again on Red probably for the lols. Give respect, and now down to T. Ledger, he comes to get ya. Also he released a game called T. Ledger: The Game which as of talking is about to be released in the next couple of hours. Hopefully everyone that is of cool note is playing as the Grim Reaper chasing around his next victim. Why is he obsessed with The Reaper? Kind of rhymes with T. Ledger and likes that Blue Oÿster Cult band song. Come on baby, feel T. Ledger ;).
Bloody listen to the Aussie Creative Genius Bi Polar Gemini rapper who is quite fast. It is mostly mania why he is fast, but he can run fast too. All the best rappers are Bi Polar Geminis at the moment, and he’s one of them, proven so many times yet doesn’t get the listens because he is apparently foreign. He’s from Melbourne! Give this guy a chance, all he needs to succeed. He literally can’t stuff up a song 99% of the time, and when he does he’s so funny and most of the time picks up on that mistake as well! He should have at least a million listens in the next 2 months, let’s see what he’s got.
He’s a 25 year old from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia which is the best city in the world. In his words, but has been voted most liveable city in the world, so he’s basically right. He’s like 6’3, 90kgs and is the fastest Australian rapper ever but admits he’ll never beat Twista. He pipped Eminem on Too Fast as the fastest rapper but then google shed the facts on a little known Twista song which is too fast for T. Ledger. But T. Ledger is Crap God. His music is always a masterpiece basically though.
T. Ledger
Name: T. Ledger
Address: 30 Ulm Street, Laverton, Victoria, Australia
Email: trevellyn96@gmail.com
Phone: 0400412187
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Trevellyn22/?ref=bookmarks
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trev3874/
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCybhV8cJr4D3yU6Qh8lSzcg/playlists
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4UWcj3nz4RMiAksD77uQIa?si=wSPHPhI_TCKDKbImOeUMEA
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/6p8Ag4znzkeqAa8T7
Genres: Electronic
Source: ArtistPR Music Press Release
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