Hot New Hip Hop from Yung Insane
Yung Insane is a inspired rap/hip-hop artist/songwriter and takes his
writing very serious. Currently living in Beckley, West Virginia he now
raps locally unsigned for exposure and hopes to one day make it.
Born: Ryan Smailes Sept. 16th 1990 in Lewisburg, West Virginia. Ryan and his mother resided in his birth place until he reached the age of 2 at which point he and his mother moved to Los Angeles to get away from the suburbs leaving his grandmother behind in the small West Virginia town.

Ryan and his mother resided in Los Angeles until he was 14, at which point she got incarcerated for a few major felonies. Ryan then had no choice but to move back to West Virginia to live with his grandmother. Leaving the name Ryan behind Yung Insane became very aggresive and hostile because of the seclusion he felt back at the small town where he resided with his grandma while attending the local high school. He turned to music because he felt as if it was the only thing that could save him from the torture he felt.
"Now I look back and regret all those mean and hurtful things I said to my grandma," says rapper Yung Insane. "Life is a gift, my grandma is still alive, but that's no excuse, I can never take any of those things back."
Now Yung Insane still resides in the state of West Virginia trying to gain exposure and one day move him and his family into Beverly Hills off his earnings.
Born: Ryan Smailes Sept. 16th 1990 in Lewisburg, West Virginia. Ryan and his mother resided in his birth place until he reached the age of 2 at which point he and his mother moved to Los Angeles to get away from the suburbs leaving his grandmother behind in the small West Virginia town.
Ryan and his mother resided in Los Angeles until he was 14, at which point she got incarcerated for a few major felonies. Ryan then had no choice but to move back to West Virginia to live with his grandmother. Leaving the name Ryan behind Yung Insane became very aggresive and hostile because of the seclusion he felt back at the small town where he resided with his grandma while attending the local high school. He turned to music because he felt as if it was the only thing that could save him from the torture he felt.
"Now I look back and regret all those mean and hurtful things I said to my grandma," says rapper Yung Insane. "Life is a gift, my grandma is still alive, but that's no excuse, I can never take any of those things back."
Now Yung Insane still resides in the state of West Virginia trying to gain exposure and one day move him and his family into Beverly Hills off his earnings.
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