Why Should You Wait to Hire a Music Manager?

You should not be in a rush to hire a music manager. While an experienced manager can help you succeed, you are unlikely to find the right match until you have already done everything in your power to promote your own music. Here are a few reasons why you should wait to hire a music manager.
You Will Learn More About the Business
The most important reason for waiting to hire a music manager is that you will learn more about the music business. By having to book gigs and promote your own music, you will begin to develop skills that will help you out later in your career. These are skills that you will never get the chance to learn if you immediately start working with a manager.
You don’t need to rush the process of finding a music manager. Take this opportunity to learn more about the music business. You can generate more buzz and gain a better understanding of how things work.
You Will Attract Quality Music Managers
Another advantage of waiting to hire a manager is that you’ll be able to attract quality managers. When you already have a lot of interest in your music, a large fan base, and a growing social media presence, experienced managers will be more willing to work with you.
It cannot be stressed enough that if you want to know how to get a music manager, you need to wait for a good manager to come to you. When you achieve a certain level of recognition and begin expanding your reach, you’ll naturally start attracting the attention of respected and trusted managers in the music industry.
You Can Fine-Tune Your Sound and Style
By waiting to hire a manager, you’ll be able to focus on your music and develop your sound and style before receiving input from a music manager. Again, a quality manager is going to be more willing to work with a band or artist that already knows where they’re headed. When you already have an established sound and style, you can increase your chances of finding a professional manager.
You don’t want to compromise your style simply because a manager points you in a different direction. If you don’t know where you want to go or what style you are trying to evoke, you will have trouble finding a reputable manager.
You Can Establish Your Own Contacts
When you are working hard to promote your own music, you have the opportunity to gain valuable contacts. You may meet people in the business that can be of help later on.
You cannot rely entirely on the contacts that your manager brings to the table. You should also have your own group of beneficial contacts that can be used to help you book gigs or land a meeting with a record executive.
Having these contacts means that you will not be entirely reliant on your manager. In fact, all of the reasons listed above will play a part in helping you become more self-sufficient.
You Have the Power to Make it on Your Own
If there is one major point that you should take away from this article, it’s that hiring artist management is not a complete solution for helping you reach your musical ambitions.
You will need to put in some hard work and do everything in your power to promote your music. Only once you have a grasp of a music business and a solid following will you be able to attract a quality manager.
Whenever you feel rushed to hire a music manager, take a moment to review these reasons. You’ll see that this is not something that you should rush into. You need to be prepared for the adventure that you’re going to embark on before hiring a manager.
At the same time, there are benefits to having a manager. When the business side of music begins to take up too much of your time, then you should be open to working with a music manager. If you are overwhelmed with the process of setting up tours or setting up a schedule, then it may be time to pass the wheel to someone with management experienced.
When you start being approached by potential managers, don’t sign any contracts without fully reviewing the details and exploring all your options. Talk with multiple managers and remember to treat the process like a job interview. After all, you’re hiring someone to work for you and help you with your business – making music.
Good luck and remember to check out some of the other articles on this site. Also, if you’d like a detailed guide to finding a manager and managing your own career, then make sure that you take a look at our Music Management for Indie Artists eBook. You’ll find step by step instructions and professional tips for advancing your career.
Click here to check out Music Management for Indie Artists and take your career into your own hands!
Source: ArtistPR Music Manager
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