How to Store and Share Your Electronic Press Kit in the Cloud

Do you have an electronic press kit? Great. Now, how do you share your EPK?
In the past, you’d send a physical folder containing an artist bio, discography, photos, and other content printed out on actual paper, along with an album or CD. Then, it became easier to add all of this to a data CD and distribute to promoters and record execs.
Now, you have a new way to share your EPK. You can upload it to the cloud.
But, why should you upload your EPK to the cloud?
This gives immediate access to anyone that you need to share your EPK with. You can add the link in an email, a text message, or a social media post. There’s no waiting around or any problems with mail delivery.
It’s a cost-effective, efficient way to get your EPK out to the right people.
So, how do you upload your EPK to the cloud and share it with others? You can find out by following these suggestions.
Get the Right Tools and Resources
First, you’ll need to get the right tools and resources. For this, you’ll need Microsoft PowerPoint or a word processor that can export files to PDF format.
You will basically compile all the necessary information into an easy to read PDF file, which will also include links and other details. Along with this PDF file, you can upload individual audio files.
All of the files that you share will get placed in a folder and uploaded to a Cloud storage solution. Or, you can host them on your own website. So, to create your EPK, you’ll need the following:
- PowerPoint or a word processor capable of exporting as PDF
- A Cloud storage service or your own website
- Professional band photos that can be used for publicity
- An artist biography that is short and concise
- Press releases, news coverage, or quotes and reviews (links will work)
- A computer for putting all of this together
Compiling All Your Information and Content
Once you have the right tools and resources, you can start gathering all the content that will go into your EPK.
There are 3 main types of content – images, text, and music files. The images will include quality photos, which can be inserted into your PDF. The text will include the artist bio, discography, and relevant links. Of course, the music files are your song files.
Use a title sheet to list the contents of the PDF. This should include page numbers of each section. The first item will be the artist bio. So, if you’re using PowerPoint, the bio should begin on the second slide. If you’re using a word processor, put the bio on the second page.
From there, you can include the other content. This could include the discography and current news with a handful of links to recent press releases or other useful links.
You can either place the images in their own section or intersperse them throughout the other pages.
After you’ve compiled all the content, you should proofread everything. Use spell checkers and go over every line. Also, check the design. Make sure that it’s easy to read and not cluttered.
You should use a simple, clean design if you choose to intersperse images throughout your content.
When your document is ready, export it as a PDF file. You now have a single file to use as an electronic press kit.
Along with this file, you’ll want to gather your most recent songs. Create a folder on your computer using the name of your band or your solo act. Add the PDF file that you created and a selection of music files.
Create a folder inside this folder named “Photos”. Even if you’ve included the images in your PDF file, you should still include a selection of individual pics.
Your electronic press kit is now ready.
Upload Your EPK to the Cloud
The next step is to upload your EPK to the cloud. You can upload the folder that you created to Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon, DropBox, or any other cloud storage provider.
These are all free options that allow you to create a shareable link to the folder that you uploaded. But, they are not your only option. If you want a few more suggestions, you should watch this short video – top 10 free cloud storage services:
Once the folder is uploaded, you may need to change the sharing settings to allow people to view the EPK. You should test it out by opening each of the files to make sure that they uploaded correctly.
Another option is to upload the folder to your web hosting account. You can then share the direct links to the folder, which will automatically include links to the PDF, music files, image folder, and any other files that you include.
After you’ve gone through this entire process, you will have an electronic press kit that you can easily share with anyone.
Make sure that you use quality content. If you need help with your artist biography, ArtistPR has a great offer – check out our premium artist biographies for indie artists.
Source: ArtistPR Artist Biography
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