A New American Gospel Band Is Here, We Are The Saints Of Salvation.

HAVELOCK, NC — The Saints of Salvation is a Christian Gospel Band dedicated to revealing the Revelations of Christ:: The Lead Singer, Songwriter, Composer and Musician on All tracks is Saint Lee, Leader of the Saints of Salvation::: I was born a son, to the wife (South Native American) of a Southern Baptist Preacher( African American)::: My Life is dedicated to singing and creating music that brings Salvation to those who seek Eternal Life:: The Band is dedicated to Releasing The sound of Praise and Worship of The Almighty God through Music , Dance And Spiritual Enlightenment found within the Lyrics:::
The Saints of Salvation Believe that our Mother Earth is in Peril, due to Pollution and Greed:: The humanity on Earth has been disconnected from the True Spiritual Origins Of Life::: Only when you seek Understanding can you find Spiritual Enlightenment:: The Saints of Salvation has come to fulfill what has been revealed in the Last Book of The Bible:: These songs and Music will bring Joy, Peace and Happiness to the True Believers in Christ Jesus, By The Will of The Almighty God;; AMEN
My Love for The Lord is expressed in my music::I look forward to sharing what The Almighty God has inspired me to do with my Life, Singing His songs of Praise::
Saints of Salvation is about Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom:: Saints of Salvation Lyrics reflect Sacred Scripture from The Bible:: There is Spiritual Power in the Music and Lyrics of the Saints of Salvation:: This Music is about Salvation of Souls and The way to a Life of Abundance::
In Future days Saints of Salvation plan to release singles and then an Album:: EASTAROCK is our latest release:: Triumph over Tragedy was our previous release:: Watch, Wait and Pray With Me was our first release::: If you have ears listen, to the sound of Truth::
Listen to us on Apple Music or Spotify available on most major music streaming platforms via TUNECORE :https://music.apple.com/us/album/eastarock-single/1746668844
The goal of The Saints of Salvation is Spiritual Revival of All Believers in the Almighty God::
Address: 105 wildwood road, 105, HAVELOCK, NC
Email: zeetherap@yahoo.com
Phone: 9102901615
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/02cdiVxW5NxKtcgFLbokV1
Source: ArtistPR Press Release
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