Uncovering the Most Common Myths About Music Managers

There are plenty of stereotypes in the music industry. This covers everything from the narcissistic lead singer to the greedy music manager. As with most stereotypes, they are often loosely grounded in some reality, but you should never judge a group based on the actions of a few. This applies to everyone, including music managers.
When you work with the right music manager, you can expect a lot of help in achieving your musical dreams. They will work with you, handling a large share of responsibilities, including music promotion.
Due to common stereotypes, some musicians feel that they can make it on their own without any help. If you are currently in this boat, then it is time to change your way of thinking before you find yourself sinking. Keep reading to uncover the most common myths about music managers.
Your Manager Will Become Your Boss
One of the most common misconceptions about music managers is that they will become your boss. Some artists believe that once they hire a manager, they will have to do everything the manager says. The truth is that your manager is simply a manager of your music career – not a boss.
A professional manager with a lot of experience will have plenty of advice. They may be able to offer constructive criticism if they have a good sense of what the public wants. They can also help keep you on track so that you can reach your goals.
Your manager will provide you with honest advice and recommendations. It is up to you whether you agree with them.
Your Manager Needs to Have Lots of Connections
Having a music manager with lots of connections in the music industry can be incredibly beneficial. But, it is not a requirement. Managers with contacts could help you reach your goals at a quicker pace, but this may come with a price.
An experienced manager may charge a larger music management fee or have a large roster of artists that they work with. You need to consider the pros and cons of experience and inexperience.
Enthusiasm can go a long way. Hiring a less experienced manager that is excited about your music can still help you reach your goals. As long as they have the necessary skills and are willing to put in the extra effort needed to establish contact and book gigs, you can enjoy success with an inexperienced manager.
The Music Industry Will Not Take You Seriously Without a Manager
Managers can offer a wide range of benefits. As mentioned, they may have existing contacts in the music industry or have experience with music promotion. Even an inexperienced manager can help free up your time so that you can focus on your music.
Along with these advantages, some artists believe that record executives, music journalists, and radio DJs will not take you seriously if you do not have a manager. There is some truth to the statement that people in the music industry prefer to discuss details with a manager rather than the musicians. But, it is not a requirement.
You can still enjoy early success while doing it on your own. However, at a certain point, having a music manager can simplify your musical career. When you are first starting out, you can handle some of the tasks typically handled by band managers on your own. This includes booking gigs and connecting with fans via social media.
Music Managers Only Care About Making a Buck
There is also a long believed myth that the average music manager only cares about money. Sure, some managers may have a one-track mind. But, the vast majority of music managers really do want to get your music out to the public.
Your manager will earn their income based on your success. It is in their best interest to do everything in their power to help you succeed. Not everyone in the music industry is out to take all your earnings. Though, you should still be careful when signing a contract.
You need to ensure that you fully understand the terms before signing a music management contract. Pay attention to the music management fees, term length, and other details.
How to Get a Music Manager
Now that these myths have been cleared up, you should be able to see the importance of working with a music manager. Though, learning how to get a music manager that will help boost your career is a whole other story. You need to find the best fit for your music. This means finding a manager that is excited about promoting your music and helping you with your goals.
For further advice, you should check out the complete music manager eBook, which is full of recommendations and suggestions for hiring the best person for the job.
Download the best guide to music managers eBook today.
Source: ArtistPR Music Manager
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