How to Create an Electronic Press Kit to Improve Your Music Career

Every musician needs an effective electronic press kit (EPK) that can be sent or viewed by the people that matter in the music industry. This can help you boost your music career.
EPKs are often sent to record labels, industry professionals, radio stations, and anyone else that you or your manager thinks needs to know more about your music. But, before you send out one of these electronic press kits, you need to make sure that it includes all of the necessary components.
What goes into an effective press kit? Quite a few elements. This includes an artist biography, links, photographs, and more. Learn how to create an electronic press kit to improve your music career.
Start with the Artist Biography
The artist biography is an important part of the EPK. It helps shed some light on your music and who you are as an artist. There is a good chance that the people that will be reviewing your EPK will never have heard of you before.
The artist bio gives them important details. What should be included in your artist biography? You should let people know where you’re based out of and what type of music you create. If you’re in a band, you’ll also want to include a list of band members and the instruments that they play.
Though, the main thing to remember is to keep your artist biography short. No one wants to spend 5 minutes reading your back story. If you need help with this step, we offer professional services for creating brilliant artist biographies. Place an order for your artist biography and then move on to the other steps discussed below.
Include Links to Your Professional Work
Depending on the format of the EPK, you may not be able to include actual tracks. For example, if your EPK is sent online, you may need to link to your work. Include links to video or audio clips. This could include songs that you’ve uploaded to SoundCloud or Spotify, as well as links to professional images of you and your band.
Include Professional Photos of You and Your Band
Speaking of photos, if possible, you should add these directly to the EPK. One or two professional shots that can be used in the promotional material should be included in any electronic press kit.
Add Quotes or Reviews from Professionals
If you have any reviews of your music from outside sources, then include several quotes in your electronic press kit. You should never add fake quotes. These need to be verifiable quotes from reputable sources, such as music review websites, articles, or magazines.
You could also add links to articles or press coverage of your music or performances. Again, you should only use information from reputable sources. Your friend’s blog posts will not suffice. If you don’t have any quotes available, then you should skip this section. Wait until you can gather a few reviews before attempting to add quotes.
Include Info About Past and Upcoming Gigs or Tours
Include information related to your gigs. Discuss recent tours or upcoming tours. The person that is checking out your EPK may be interested in seeing your live act. This also shows that you are currently active. You don’t need to go into detail.
For example, you shouldn’t provide a complete list of your next 20 gigs. But, you can mention that you are touring a specific region and highlight a couple of destinations. If you want to include a full list of your upcoming gigs, then provide a link to your website or social media profile.
Don’t Forget to Include Contact Information
One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is to forget to include any contact information. Not only is this unprofessional, it can make it hard for anyone to get in touch with you. You should include phone numbers, email addresses, website addresses, and a postal address.
Review Your Electronic Press Kit
The final step is to review your EPK. Make sure that your artist biography is short and to the point. Review all of the elements. You may find that you skipped something or included incorrect information. Essentially, you want to proofread your EPK. We also suggest that you take a moment to watch this video. Listen as an expert explains the process that he uses for putting together an electronic press kit.
What Do You Do with Your Electronic Press Kit?
Your EPK can be sent to record labels and industry insiders. These EPKs are also sent out to promoters and venues that are looking for new acts. How do you send these EPKs? In the past, an EPK would be sent on a CD. Earlier, press kits would include physical copies of the elements discussed above.
Thanks to the power of the internet, these electronic press kits can be sent online or posted to a website. There are many ways to deliver an EPK. But, the EPK will not be effective if it doesn’t include everything discussed above. Always review your EPK before sending it out.
Source: ArtistPR Artist Biography
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