Dylpop has finally landed on Earth and is ready to bring all the noise with their infectious, dark club inspired and sonically charged "Noise Vol. 2".

Port Huron, Michigan — Dylpop has finally landed on Earth with the other worldly, sonically charged and infectious “Noise Vol. 2”. Traveling far from the outer reaches of space on a long journey to safely deliver the noise to other parts of the vast universe, Dylpop has come all the way from the pop star dimension and has been mixed with other dimensions as they have passed through them, with elements of pop, synth, and dance spread throughout “Noise Vol. 2” you won’t stop dancing to all Noise.
Dylpop was first forged in 2013 as a screen name becoming so much more than that. Dylpop has been dancing and being the rebel of pop music they were always destined to be. The idols that have paved the way for Dylpop include Lady Gaga. Michael Jackson, Madonna and so many other pops acts, Dylpop wants nothing more than to bring pop spectacles back to the main stage. Dylpop is there for music heads, pop heads who love to dance, and everyone who is interested in fashion, technology, video games, and art.
“There are two amazing performers I have seen live, Kanye West and Dylpop” – Chris, 27
Dylpop is interested in cultivating a strong connection with fans and performance art. They plan on bringing pop dance music to the main stage in a way that has never been done before. “Noise Vol. 2” is the perfect ethos that is Dylpop at its core. The music is addicting and empowering making you walk away feeling like the main hero or the main villain and Dylpop offers you that choice by making all the infectious pop hooks sound like dark euro club-inspired dark breathes.
Track 1: Addio (2.0)
Track 2: Noise
Track 3: Fizz
Track 4: Ride
Track 5: Cherry Lemon
written, mastered, and produced by Dylpop
“Noise Vol. 2” captures Dylpop at their best, from the dark club pounding “Noise” to the fashionable aristocrat that is “Cherry Lemon” Dylpop provides a safe spacer to dance to the noise and have fun in the world brought to you from world and dimensions away. Dylpop has landed on Earth and is here to stay.
Stream the new experience and prepare for Dylpop to take the stage at Port Huron’s pride festival https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ZKcXU2Jr81Hcv5sdL2ZCj?si=gl5fHqQ0Sae7V4q-30ir0w
Dylan Mustard (born March 21st, 1996) is an American singer/songwriter and producer. Dylan always had an interest in music from the moment they first had been born. Watching old VHS and learning every routine from Britney Spears videos and becoming a self-taught dancer was Dylan’s first taste of the pop world. In 2013 inspired by their username Dylan went under the name “Dylpop” inspired by Lady Gaga’s album “ARTPOP”. Inspired by David Bowie, Billy Idol, Lady Gaga, and other pop names, Dylpop blends pop with nu-metal, industrial, dance, euro-pop and so much more. Dylpop is also a pioneer wanting to blend the world of music and video games.
Name: Dylpop
Address: 3460 Appomattox Drive, Port Huron, Michigan
Email: dylpopmusic@gmail.com
Phone: 8109418170
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dylpop
Instagram: https://instagram.com/Instagram.com/popdyl
YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UC51YcA-3-7LjHfEAqJk3_cA
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4ZKcXU2Jr81Hcv5sdL2ZCj?si=NwWutd2bRYSDi3qBBKOjOw
Google Music: https://music.youtube.com/channel/UC51YcA-3-7LjHfEAqJk3_cA?feature=share
Genres: Dance
Source: ArtistPR Music Press Release
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