I.K.P. Drops New Album Focused On Finding Yourself

I.K.P. Drops New Album Focused On Finding Yourself

Music Celebrates Positivity And Self-Assurance

New York, New York – August 21, 2020 – I.K.P., which stands for The Infamous King of Positivity, is ready to release a new single that will get listeners in a good mood. “FLAMING CHEDDAR // AS YOU WERE” is the next hip hop anthem of the year.

“FLAMING CHEDDAR // AS YOU WERE” is the first single released this year by the artist. The song recalls the best of nostalgic 90s hip-hop vibes from the old school artists. However, the songs are currently in the context of a modern world stricken by a global pandemic. It’s still a feel-good record appropriate for the summer, with an 80s retro feel to it, combined with edgy rhymes about celebrating a person’s journey with a self-assurance that only comes from growth after enduring struggles.

I.K.P. is not only a talented musician but he is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps as well. The artist has overcome many struggles in his life, including homelessness. For I.K.P, music is a form of healing that hopes to share with others needing some light in their lives.

To listen to more of his music, or for interested parties to reach out to I.K.P. for an interview on their site, podcast, or radio show can reach out via the information provided below.

For more beats by I.K.P., please visit:

Kenny Alvarez

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/ikp4president
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ikp4president
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ikp4president
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ikp4president
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3FN7zZ9ZKBP2Sfbc78cVZE?si=akPAEu_tR2iFrVCoiTLGTg
Soundcloud: http://www.soundcloud.com/ikp4president

Genres: Hip Hop

Source: ArtistPR Music Press Release


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